Craft it Forward: Three’s a Charm

I dubbed this month’s Craft it Forward: Three’s a Charm. I incorporated three loves (photo manipulation, paper and cats) to create my third craft it forward: a series of greeting cards. If you’re new to the concept of Craft it Forward, you can read about it here.  Links to the first and second project are at the end of this post.

I’m trying a little something different with each craft, stretching the old comfort zone if you will.  It’s good challenging myself.

This set of cards is for Sheila.  She’s an animal lover, photographer and all-around nice person. She fosters cats and nurtures children and is always quick with support or a compliment.  She’s guiding and supporting a young woman through a difficult time now.  I hope these cards serve as a little pick-me-up.

At my request, Sheila sent a digital photo of one of her cats, a stunner named Rodent. I altered the photo using Picasa software, creating three different images. Sheila loves purple and robin’s egg blue, so I applied colored filters to the photo to achieve the effect you see below. The third photo is in its original form. After manipulating the image, I printed the photo on heavy-duty watercolor paper. The paper absorbs some of the color, creating a mat finish. Let me know what you think.

Included with Three’s a Charm:

  • Twelve, 5 x 7 greeting cards, 4 of each design
  • Twelve ‘Secret Garden’ envelope seals
  • A small, faux birdcage.

The small faux cage currently houses the cards.  Once empty, she can reuse it to hold a small house plant or fill it with laundry lint and other soft materials for nesting birds.

Birdhouse of Cards

Birdhouse of Cards

Purple cards

Lovely Lavender

Kitty in the Garden

Kitty in the Garden

blue cards

Shades of Blue

cards in a cage

Cards in a cage

Craft it Forward:

craft it forward buttonHere’s how it works. The first five people to comment on the original post receive a handmade item with the gardening nirvana touch. In return, they agree to pay it forward, crafting their own unique item for the first five people on their list. Craft it Forward encourages community, creative spirit and camaraderie. It also encourages flexibility, so I expanded my list from five to seven based on interest in the project. Isn’t it fun making your own rules?

Further, in the era of the internet, who doesn’t like ‘real’ mail? If you haven’t started your own Craft it Forward, today is a good day to get one going.

Who Was That Masked Gardener?

Thank you all for the fab birthday greetings!  I’m still basking in birthday glow! October is such a great month to get older. 😉

Check out the birthday card I received from my family. I’m wearing it!  It’s really a Halloween card, but knowing how much I love the season they usually buy me a Halloween card instead.

Papyrus Card and Mask

Papyrus Card and Mask

The inspiration for my costume this year is a birthday/Halloween card. Designer Bella Pilar has a line of whimsical cards, featuring fabulous and funky dresses  The spotted cat was a natural for me. It’s one of my all time favorite line of cards. Who says you can’t dress up like a greeting card?

Bella Pilar Cards

Bella Pilar Illustrations
Inspiration for this year’s Halloween Costume

Fairy Garden Additions

fairy garden with pumpkins

Additions to the Fairy Garden

fairy garden with lights

Fairy Garden After Dark

The fairies have been busy cheering up the “haunted” fairy garden.  They added a banner and a few pumpkins.  Things are looking a lot more festive.  They’re off collecting apples for an apple-bob.  They might be going for a hay ride through a cemetery later, too. I plan to add a few lights to welcome them back. Things are far less spooky with the lights on.

Halloween Countdown

Mardi Gras Pumpkin

Mardi Gras Pumpkin


  • Papyrus makes unique and artistic greeting cards with beautiful envelopes to match.
  • Mardi Gras in New Orleans, LA.
  • Bella Pillar™ design and illustration.