Cauliflower Fail: Yes or No?

Browning Cauliflower

Browning Cauliflower
January 26, 2013

I’ve been trying to deny the inevitable for a week now.  My cauliflower is done-for.  Gone. Kaput. Or at least it looks that way

It didn’t occur to me to protect the plants from frost damage. Cauliflower is a winter crop in warm climates.  Shouldn’t it withstand the elements? The plants look okay, but all of the cauliflower heads turned brown.

Upon further reading, I’m wondering if I missed a step, something known as blanching. It sounds counter-intuitive: instead of allowing the flower heads, called curds, exposure to the sun, you cover them. The articles I’ve read suggest folding the leaves over the curds and holding them in place with twine.  Leaves should be tied loosely to allow air to circulate.

Apparently I’ve spent one too many years eating vegetables from the supermarket. Or not.  At this point, I suppose time will tell. The browning will continue or abate. The curds will grow or wilt.  Meanwhile I just evicted some gray scaly pests from the broccoli plants.  In a word: ick!

Stay tuned.


Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli and Cauliflower
November 9th

Broccoli and cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower
December 17, 2012


December 18, 2012