Everyone P**ps

You can take the girl out of England, but you can’t take the English out of the girl.

I came really close to naming today’s blog Everyone Poops, from the children’s book of the same name.  Written in Japanese, and translated into English, I first spotted this book nearly twenty years ago in a Mendocino bookstore.  I giggled.

My dad was British, my mom Canadian.  We used more polite words when discussing bodily functions, and even in my fifties I give pause before using this particular word.

Yet today on my hike, when this lovely deer provided a front row seat to her daily elimination, I kept thinking about that book.

deer in the woods

Taking care of business

deer on the path

On her way

I thought of other things as well.  She was trusting enough to hold my gaze while at the same time holding that position.  It was fun for me, hiking alone, to have her walk along the same path for a few hundred feet before heading up the hill.

Hiking companion

Hiking companion

Generally they close the park trail to traffic, but the gate was open this morning.  As I snapped away, I heard a large truck pull up behind me.  I moved off the path to let the truck pass. I giggled some more.

clean out tank

Clean-out Tank

You’ll never hear this discussed on Downton Abbey, but the reality is it’s true.  Everyone p**ps.

26 thoughts on “Everyone P**ps

  1. LOL, you’ve done gone and spilt the beans Alys, which will all know will make you toot. I had no idea that deer did their biz like that, well I learned something new. She’s really delightful, how special to have her join your hike. I love when I see them with their deer friends, then I know they’re not alone. What a treat!


    • tee-hee. Lots of laughs on this post, eh? Thanks for making me snicker, too.

      She is delightful isn’t she? It was amazing to get so close. I generally meet Karen and Dylan for a hike around 9:30, but went alone early that day, arrive about 8:30. It was a good time to see her. The trail was quiet and less populated. Oddly enough, I went back to take photos of the poppies from the week before and didn’t see a single one. Some deer had lunch and got high all at the same time.


      • Ha, you’re probably right otherwise what could have happened to them all? Oh I wonder. Sweet Dylan must have a riot out there with so many things to investigate and sniff. I used to let Buddy run along off lease when we’d scoot into the forest at our old place, he’d have the biggest smile on his face 😀


  2. When I saw that first photo, I thought it was a kangaroo! I thought, “Has Alys gone to Australia and didn’t tell us she was going?” How interesting that your father is from England; I didn’t know that, though I thought you were from Canada since I think I read that somewhere in Boomdeeville. And here I always thought “poop” was a more polite term than the one most people use. I obviously have been hanging around with too many males. That deer’s face in the last photo of her looks as if she’s thinking, “Oh Alys, you are NEVER going to put that photo on your blog!” Good thing deer aren’t surfing the net. Yet.


    • Hi Julia,

      I thought it was a kangaroo and *I* took the picture. Isn’t that funny. I would love to go to Australia one day. It is on my short list of places to visit.

      I realize, after reading your comment, that my blog was poorly worded. I was born in Canada to a Canadian mom and a British dad but think of the manners as British. Poop is definitely more polite that the alternative for sure.

      I live with three men as well (Mike and two teenage boys) so I’ve heard it all. LOL

      Yes, I guess I should have asked the deer permission before posting the photo. I hope she forgives me. It is so nice to see you here.


    • Oh my goodness, you are the sweetest. Thank you, Nikitaland.

      As for falling of your chair with laughter, hurray for that. We all need a good laugh. I actually debating with myself all the way home from that hike wondering if I might offend anyone. It looks like the smiles and guffaws are unanimous.

      Thanks so much for being here.


  3. Oh,Alys! I was so tickled at the end. I had a copy of that book for quite a long time. Read it to all my last husbands grandchildren. They used to be mine too. You are the luckiest girl in the world to get those photos. The face on the deer has so much to say we could go on and on. I’m so glad I read this before I retire for the night. I agree with most of the other comments. What a delight. I’m always happy when I can see a deer from a distance.


    • I’m tickled that you owned that book! I was surprised to read that it was published in 1977. It’s been around a good long time. I love reading to children. When mine are grown, I’ll see if I can volunteer at the library. I used to volunteer in the boys classrooms when they were young.

      I’m glad this put a smile on your face. I’m with you; any deer sighting is a gift.


  4. I feel better now! I thought it was a kanga, too, then the truth came out! And in Downton’s last episode, which I saw last night, there is a short mention, which I’m sure you will find hilarious! So they heard you . . . 😉 ~ Linne


    • Funny you should mention Downton. I’m going to have to go back to back and watch it again. I can’t think of the reference and you’ve really peaked my curiosity. How I love that show. Now we must wait a full year.

      More kanga consensus.


  5. I thought it was a kangaroo too! So I think that is pretty much all of us? I did not know deer squatted like that either – good educational point Alys, thank you! Today has not been an entire waste for the grey matter! Aren’t deer the most wonderfully sensitive creatures – and she walked with you a while! Super special 🙂 In my country ‘poop’ is a very polite term for that particular body function – it goes by many other commonly used and crasser nouns…. I quite like ‘poop’!

    Great post Alys! Oh, and PS – I am SO impressed that you go hiking alone!!


    • Yes,I think we definitely have kangaroo consensus. That makes me smile.

      Deer are wonderful, gentle creatures. I miss hiking at dusk in the summer months, as they are out in numbers for the evening meal. I’m going to make a point of doing more of that this summer.

      So, poop it is. In Britain they say poo, not to be confused with Pooh Bear, our beloved Winnie.

      I do occasionally hike on my own and I always enjoy it. I stop more, observe more, notice more. The solitude in nature is wonderful too. I make sure to stay on open trails and I always feel safe.

      Thanks, Pauline. You always make me smile.


  6. HI Alys. How bizarre. I thought they would have been more like cows, sheep and goats, who (it seems) probably don’t notice as they go about their business, but to be seated – more like us… and resemble a kangaroo while doing so is quite remarkable! Great – but slightly odd – photo!
    Cheers Sarah : o )


    • Thanks, Sarah. I’ve seen deer taking care of business while walking as well. This was a first for me too. It made me smile though, and what a beauty she was.

      And yes, everyone thought she looked just like a kangaroo. What fun.


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