Lighting the Garden

The talented Anne Daiva taught me a couple of things about photography, and the significance of natural light.  Anne takes stunning photographs of babies and families with artistry and depth. When she mentioned taking her outdoor photos at the beginning or the end of the day, I took notice.

Coincidentally, those of us with fair skin and freckles are better off in the garden at the beginning and end of the day.  I’m usually outdoors when the sun is up but not yet heating my bare shoulders.

Though I’ll never be the photographer that Anne is, I do enjoy playing with my camera while allowing the powerful sun to work its magic.  Here are a few:

coleus closeup leaf

Let the sun shine through

tower of pots succulents

Tower of Succulents
July 31st, 7:12 pm

tall grasses at sunset

Grasses at sunset
July 31st, 7:10 pm

cat in the sun

Mighty Mouse
July 31st, 7:11 pm

To quote an old Irish saying, ‘may the sun shine warm upon your face.’ Have a great weekend.

19 thoughts on “Lighting the Garden

  1. Natural light always works for me too. I never like photo’s taken with a flash. I skipped over to Anne’s site, my gosh she’s a talented woman. Did she do your garden photo’s you use for your Gravatar Alys?

    I always admire your close up’s so much. that Coleus shot is just perfection. I’m looking forward to visiting with your Mighty Mouse too. I wish I could read his little mind, it’s just so obvious that he adores you. He’s so attentive and I love the back lighting. I can almost count his whiskers. I can’t get Petals to stand still for 2 seconds for me.


    • When the boys were very young, the school photographer took outdoor photos. I loved them. So much nicer than the typical indoor staged shots.

      Yes, Anne did my Gravatar which I should have mentioned in the post. She’s wonderful. Thanks for checking out her site.

      As for Mouse, it is amazing I get any shots at all as he too is constantly on the move. Today he climbed from the outdoor table into my lap while I was photographing seeds. He got the lens wet with his cute little nose. Character though and through.

      You have great shots of Petals and Blossum! I adore all of them.


  2. I loved your Tower of Succulents, what a great idea. I have the empty pots and have succulents in 4″ pots that would work excellently…thank you for the inspiration.


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