In a Vase on Monday

Cathy at Rambling in the Garden  posts a photo of a vase of flowers each Monday.  She includes flowers from her garden, a prop of some sort, and a variety of vessels.  Fun, right?

I think it’s a lovely tradition. I  found her blog via another Cathy at Words and Herbs.  If you love flowers and the art of arranging, these blogs are a treat.

Gathering flowers in to posies or bouquets is a time-honored tradition. Nothing brightens a home like fresh flowers.  The first year I grew cosmos, I had elegant blooms for months.  I enjoyed arranging them in a variety of ways, finding it creative and relaxing.

Today’s flowers in a vase includes Daffodils and Mexican Bush Sage with a few fronds of fern.   Starting with four empty Tamarind jars, I arranged them in a square.  I held the jars together with a piece of lace, a gift from my dear friend and fellow blogger, Boomdee.  A strip of washi tape over the lace added texture.

Here is the result.

flowers in a vase on monday

Flowers in a vase on Monday



Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican Bush Sage (soft as velvet)

tamarind jars

Tamarind jars gathered together with lace and washi tape

You’re welcome to join in, with a link back to the original blogger.

Cathy Lyon-Green writes: “I had not intended to write a blog, but was talking to a friend about how, now I had more time, I wanted amongst other things to keep a better record of the garden and nurture its spiritual aspects, as well as writing poetry more often. She suggested I do it online as a blog, and Rambling in the Garden was born.”

Cathy of Words and Herbs writes: “I’m an English trainer originally from the UK, but now living (and gardening!) in Bavaria. Two of my greatest passions are plants and books, which is what I write about here. I also love cooking delicious vegetarian food, a feature here too, and like to live in tune with the seasons.”

I hope you’ll join in one Monday, too.