Celebrations: Anniversaries, Birthdays and Boomdee Comes to Town

Life is full!

Mike and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary September 23rd.

20th anniversary collage

Celebrating at Santana Row

Then Boomdee (aka Kelly or Petals) came to town.

together at redemption

My favorite photo of our week together

I had a birthday…

Birthday collage 2015

Cards from dear friends are the best part of any birthday

Then hosted a gathering of friends.

gathering of friends 2015

Good friends gathered around the table

I ate too much cake and homemade flan but enjoyed every morsel. By the way, peeking out from under the plate is one of my  gorgeous new dinner napkins also known as serviettes. Kelly meticulously hand-stenciled them as a birthday gift. Please check out Kelly’s Korner for the full reveal and tutorial. They’re stunning!

bunny's flan

Bunny’s delicious flan

We road a steam train up a steep grade through the redwood forests, traveling on a narrow-gauge railroad.

felton train collage

Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow-Gauge Railroad

We visited the historic Ainsley home in downtown Campbell.

Ainsley House Collage 2015

Ainsley House 1925 English Tudor home in Campbell, California

On Sunday we Skyped with Laurie and Pauline, covering topics both serious and mundane. It was good to catch up.

Kelly and I enjoyed full days and unscheduled nights, with time to relax, have a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and to put up our feet. What a joyful week.

In a flash, it was time to put Boomdee on a plane, as we made plans for a visit next year.

Next up: Edmonton, Alberta Canada.  If my surgery goes well I’ll have an honest to goodness bounce in my step. Planning the next visit makes the goodbyes a little easier.

Blogs Near and Dear

I’ve missed your blog and look forward to catching up with you in the next few weeks.

33 thoughts on “Celebrations: Anniversaries, Birthdays and Boomdee Comes to Town

  1. So lovely to see these photos of you enjoying your anniversary, birthday and Boomdee visit! I bet it all went by in a flash!! A visit to Edmonton will be just fabulous for you, a chance to see the Boomer in her own stomping ground! It is wonderful that you two can get together at least annually. Memories of seeing both of you together having fun always make me smile. Is the boot working to keep your foot safe between now and surgery date? I know you have to be careful and too much walking and exercising are probably out of the question, but are you managing a bit of an amble here and there?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Pauline. It did go by in a flash, but like our time in DC, we packed a lot of goodness and fun memories into those days and weeks. I can scarcely believe it’s mid-October.

      I’m so excited to visit Kelly in her home town. It will be wonderful to meet some of her friends and family, her kitties and to see the city we’ve all read so much about.

      Thanks for your good thoughts, care, love and positive energy. You’re a dear.

      The boot does a good job keeping my foot stable. It’s hard, dense plastic on the bottom and both sides. Within that is a padded lining that I inflate by compressing a pump. It velcros to my foot. I wear it dawn till dusk, but not to bed. I would most likely send Mike to the hospital with one inadvertant kick. I’ve already bruised my right ankle by accidently kicking myself with the boot. Ouch!

      I hobble around the house, and walk through stores and the post office and other errands. I even managed to set up Halloween decorations for a client, though had Mike stop by to hang the one thing that needed hanging since I can’t climb on ladders or chairs. That said, I sure miss the long walks and hikes and hope that I have a full recovery allowing me to resume those activities.

      My doctor gave me a good scare, saying that what is currently described as a “near complete tear” could become a complete tear, seperating the tendon from the bone. Ugh!

      I hope today finds you well. I’m sitting at the orthodontist with M. who’s having his braces removed today after four years. He’s pretty happy…and he’s missing a moring of school to boot.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’m going to start planning your visit *now* so that I might even come close to your extraordinary hosting skills. Which you seem to do so effortlessly. I’m so so excited at the idea of zooming around town with you, shriek!! What should we do on your *first* visit…..? OMGosh, making a list. I’m sorry your foot is such a concern right now, seems scary really thinking about tears and bones. I hope you’ll get relief from your pending procedure and by the time we’re tripping around Alberta, you’ll be right as rain. I’m wishing with all my heart !!!! ❤ ❤


    • Thank you, Cathy! I think I’ve been cramming all the busy and fun into these last few weeks prior to surgery in anticipation of weeks with my feet up and my activities curtailed. I’m missing your blog updates, and look forward to a good read soon.

      Meanwhile, how is your foot/feet doing?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Alys, I am often thinking of you – my feet are (I hope) slowly getting better… I nearly despaired a couple of weeks ago, worried it would never improve. Then my thoughtful partner surprised me with a fold-away bike! I can now be more mobile wherever I go as it is easy to stow in the car! 🙂 I really do hope your surgery is successful and you will be dancing by Christmas! 😉


  2. The photos were all smile worthy. A 20 year anniversary is nothing to sneeze at and to still be in love that long is even more remarkable. I know many couples that stay together that long but don’t still have the twinkle you and Mike have. You have had so much to celebrate and you can sit and savor every morsel as you heal. Do take as much time as you need so you can be up and running again. 🙂 To Edmonton. You’ll need lots of energy for that trip! Is that your sister, Sharon I see in the photo with Kelly? They look like sisters too. 🙂 Lots of hugs.


    • Thank you, Marlene. As I see other marriages fail, I realize how very lucky we are to still love each other, like each other, and enjoy each other’s company. We’ve weathered the ususal ups and downs, but our love and commitment remain strong. Thanks for noticing that twinkle.

      You have a keen eye, my dear. That is Sharon with Kelly. Isn’t that the cutest photo? Sharon was just leaving and Kelly swooped down to give her this hug. That was a magical evening, with Kelly meeting a few of my friends for the first time, but that she had already connected with on Facebook.

      They do look like sisters and in fact we think of Kelly as an honary sister.

      Good advice on resting after the surgery. I plan to be the world’s best patient so that I heal properly and make a full recovery. I’m missing my physicality. I love walking, hiking, gardening and all are currently on hold.


      Liked by 2 people

  3. What a precious trip full of so many wonderful adventures. You are surrounded by such dear people. The last time I had flan I was in high school and thought it was disgusting but Bunny’s makes me want to try it again. Mmm. Here’s to many more happy birthdays, anniversaries (looking good in that blue dress! !) and trips!


  4. Such a wonderful, happy collection of smiley faces! Seems like you did so much and spent some great times with friends and family. Love the photo on the steam train rockin’ the cap! The Ainsley Home looks fascinating and the old range seems to be in great condition for its age. Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday and good luck with the surgery:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lisa! We had such a good visit together, with the ususally amount of laughter and good cheer. I’m missing your blog and look forward to a good serial reading soon so I can catch up. I read your reunion blog and was moved and intrigued. I promise a good reply soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Me again 😀 ah! What a fun visit this morning here. All your photo’s are so gorgeous and I’ve got a big silly grin on my face reading all the messages from our friends. The photo’s of you and Mike are really dear, your love for each other comes through. I think that man is really special and clearly smitten with you. I love that he’s not shy about showing his affections. I know couples that never cuddle or hold hands or smooch in front of us. We’re all about showing our love whenever we feel happy to be together. Being good partners, year after year, means compatibility is a must and obviously you both are. Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary hon and congratulations to you both. You make it look effortless.
    That toast picture at Ainsley house makes me laugh. As does the stairwell photo. What a goof. I’m so not someone who likes to be photographed. I’m glad I didn’t make a funny face in Sharon’s photo because I really like that one. Sharon’s so dang cute and has an amazing vibe even though every day there are physical challenges, I love that.
    Thank you for every little thing and having me take over your lives that whole week. My favourite photo is also at redemption. I wish I got one with you wearing my glasses. You looked so cute with them on….well, a photo op for next visit. xox How will I last a year? xoxoxoxoxox ❤ ❤ ❤ mwaaaa, K


  6. Pingback: It’s The Little Things – Gardening Nirvana

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