Just a Day in the Garden

Things are humming along in the garden these days.  Our tomatoes and raspberries are jockeying for position, and the basil is finally growing up. If you look carefully, you can see it in the lower, right corner of the box near the hose  I was too lazy to put away. [ahem]

tomato, basil and raspberries

Tomatoes, Raspberries and Basil

The potatoes I didn’t plant, jumped the edge of the box, happy in the heat.  The strawberries look nice, but for the first time in my gardening history, they’ve been over run by ants.  Ack!  I reached in for a juicy red berry and came out with a handful of swarming ants along with the fruit.  When I did find an unencumbered strawberry, it looked great but tasted bland.  I think this is the last season for them.

strawberries and potatoes

Compost potatoes spill from the box

My EarthBox pumpkins are growing well, but for some reason the water wicking system isn’t working.  I’ve had to hand water three days in a row as they’re drooping by mid day.  I may remove the compost covers tomorrow when it’s still cool and give them a long soak.  I’ll let you know it that does the trick.

Ever-mischievous Mouse the cat cornered an iridescent lizard on the garden path.  I put Mouse in a ‘time out’ for a spell, then encouraged the tiny lizard to make haste. He was happy to oblige.

Western Fence Lizard

Western Fence Lizard

Mouse asleep

Mouse looks innocent when he’s asleep

One of the squirrels dropped by and offered to sample the apricots and plums.  Just a couple of bites out of each one should do it.  Yep, yep…carry on, carry on.  Nothing to worry about here.

half eaten fruit

Sampled Fruit

grey squirrel

Taste testing the fruit: we passed!

I have a new theory about their bushy tails. I think that’s where they store their ego.

In better news, the  fruit covered in netting remains untouched.  Hurray for that.

Thanks for following along on my garden adventures. Your companionable comments are among the highlights of my day.

17 thoughts on “Just a Day in the Garden

  1. Your garden is looking so lush! It’s hard to believe you have just emerged from winter ……….. oh, that’s right, I almost forgot – you didn’t have one! Squirrels and lizards and Mouse – all so lovely. We call them [lizards] geckos here and they were everywhere when I was a child – now I haven’t seen one in years. I love the way the squirrel taste tests – that’s what the Aussie possums that immigrated here do – except they keep testing til there is nothing left – bless ’em! 🙂 . I hope you are having a good week and that all is well with all the family.


    • You said it…no winter to speak of. It sounds good on the surface, but I missed the changing seasons and really, really, REALLY missed the rain.

      In Hawaii they refer to them as geckos. They’re smaller then this lizard by about a third, and we would count them on our walks when we were there with our boys five years ago. Like you, we saw many more lizards, frogs and toads as children. I fear the population is in decline.

      Did the possums arrive on ships, inadvertently, or did someone introduce them on purpose for some reason? I know we’ve discussed this before but I can’t recall.

      Thanks for asking about my family. We’re all doing well. I hope the same is for you, too. xox


      • The crazy thing about possums is that in Australia they are protected [dingo’s and a harsher landscape do them in] and here they are considered a pest. They breed like crazy and, with no native predators to stop their advance, thrive in our rain forest environment and destroy the habitats of our native birds and steal eggs ceaselessly – as well as stripping trees of leaves and denuding whole tracts of forest.

        They arrived in a variety of ways – but primarily in the 1830’s they were introduced from Tasmania [Narf77!!] for the fur trade – their pelts do make the most glorious rugs and take dyes amazingly well!

        In a country of 5 million people it is estimated there is probably 100 million possums.

        I remember when I arrived home from living in the UK, sick and exhausted with life, tucked up in the back of my friends car making the long drive from Auckland to Hawkes Bay looking out the window and seeing toi toi’s blooming and possum road kill and knowing I was safely home once more!

        Isn’t it odd what we remember!

        Possums really are a good lesson in the dangers of moving animals from their native habitat to another one – so many of our endangered birds are in that position because of out-of-control possum numbers. So much of our native bush has been stripped and destroyed because of them and huge amounts of money are spent by the government in trying to curb the numbers and control their movements. There are so many issues around possums that it is considered unpatriotic not to loathe them 🙂


  2. The nets will prove to be worth their weight in gold (or fruit!). Isn’t it odd how creatures often don’t eat up a whole piece of something but just start on another fresh one! Love the shot of your lizard. 🙂


    • Thanks, Cathy. I do wonder why they don’t finish. when they’re still green I just assume that they take a bite and realize it isn’t tasty yet, but once they’re ripe, I don’t know why they don’t finish. Perhaps they just drop it and move on to what’s nearby.


    • Thank you, Linda. It certainly is. I’ve gardened my entire life, even when living in tiny apartments or renting a room. I love helping things grow and flourish, and appreciate all aspects of nature.

      So nice of you to stop by.


  3. Wonderland! That’s what it is. Everything is positively gigantic. Shame about the ants. I see them everywhere. They are making a hill in our window well at the new house. I plan to vacuum the hill and leave a bait trap there. Hopefully that will help.
    Mr Mouse looks so peaceful but how funny that he chooses to rest his widdle head on a stone instead of the nice soft grass right there. Maybe he likes the heat? Dreaming of a little lizard friend no doubt. Glad you were able to save that little guy for another day of fun in the sun. I suppose they are prey for all kinds of birds or cats.
    I read your post just before I closed my eyes last night and had the weirdest dream. I was enjoying a little squirrel on a broken fence when a German Shepherd came sniffing around. The squirrel quickly scooted onto the top of the fence and ran down to the end and jumped off. All of a sudden there was an orange and white cat, the dog and ‘a lion’ chasing this squirrel across the road and into some else’s back yard. I flipped out, because I’d been laying on the lawn and there was a lion right there. I quickly ran to a few doors to try and get in. I spotted a house with the keys in the lock and fumbled around but got it open on time. Last I remember the lion was looking in and panting…then I woke up. ????? Weird one hey? Haven’t seen any lions out there in your jungle of a garden have you? LOL

    Keep calm and garden! xoK

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Everything does look so green and lush, really healthy. not a spot of yellow on anything. how did you do that?? I hope you figure out those pumpkins, they are an important part of your future halloween happiness. 🙂


    • Thank you so much! We have excellent growing conditions here, so really, we have no excuse when things don’t do well.

      Well…except for the drought, the snails, the ants, the rats, squirrels, Magnolia Scale and broken irrigation pipes. LOL

      You’re right: Halloween is just 4 1/2 months away. I must keep those pumpkins going!


  5. I can’t eat tomatoes and I’m not a fan of basil, but I can’t wait to try your raspberries and potatoes. Let me know when they are “ready” for consumption. I’ll be there, front and center!


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