Valentine’s Day Giveaway: The Winner Is…

Special thanks to everyone who entered my Valentine’s Day Giveaway last week.

I wrote the entrants names on pink hearts, then tossed them into my world globe. It seemed like the perfect vessel given the number of countries represented from around the world.

Global Hearts

Global Hearts

pink hearts

Pink Hearts: There’s a winner here

Representing the pink hearts were:




♥New Zealand

♥United States

Congratulations Mary Elizabeth! You won the random drawing for the“exploding circle book” featuring Pink Paislee’s Secret Crush.

winning heart

Congratulations Mary Elizabeth!

I’ll confirm your address, and then I’ll pop it into the mail to you this week.

exploding circle book

The winner receives this pop up scrapbook

13 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Giveaway: The Winner Is…

  1. Mary Elizabeth – congratulations!! I love when someone gets excited about a win 🙂
    Alys, you do things with such style – your hearts in a globe is so much fancier than my torn strips of paper in a coffee mug!! Look and Learn Contented Crafter, Look and Learn!! 🙂


    • Pauline, I loved your strips of paper in a cup. Another blogger I follow lets her cat choose the winning entry. The pressure was on to come up with mine own idea. The globe seemed perfect.

      Thanks for being so sweet.


  2. Happy Valentines Mary Elizabeth and congratulations too.

    How fun and creative to draw entries from around the globe from a globe. I just xo loved that. I’m racking my brain on a interesting post for Friday, hehe, I’ll probably be up at midnight Thursday typing feverishly 😀

    MET’s ballot looks really sweet in your flower bed too, what are those called again? They’re like little violet stars, so cute.

    Off I go, what a nice little pit stop…hearts, gardens, flowers…thanks hon xo


    • Thank you, Boomdee for dropping in during your busy day. You’re always a bright spot.

      I know whatever you come up with for Friday will be fun and clever. Looking forward to it.

      The purple flowers are Campanula, also known as Serbian Bellflower. They look like stars to me too, so who knows how they got their common name.

      They are gorgeous in the spring so more to come.



  3. Congratulations, Mary Elizabeth! That’s a lovely book and I like how it opens up. A great give-away, Alys. I agree the globe is just right for holding ballots. ~ Linne


  4. Now that you have posted the winner I will comment on that adorable little art book. I loved it but didn’t want to enter the contest. You do such beautiful work. If I had it, I wouldn’t get anything done just staring at it all day. The creativity in people never ceases to amaze. I need more shelves as there is no place here to put more treasures. It’s my time in life to give them away. I loved the hearts and clear globe. Great idea! Hugs to all.


    • Awww…aren’t you the sweetest. Thanks for that.

      It was such a pleasure making this little book. It was something new and interesting to try and it was really a lot of fun.

      I’m glad you liked the hearts in the globe. I was looking for just the right thing to put them in and once I settled on the globe, I knew it was meant to be.

      Thank you, thank you.

      Hugs xox


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