A Camera’s Perspective

Capturing moments with a camera allows us to revisit them at our leisure. Cameras record the things we intended, but often reveal surprises too. It happens to me time and again in the garden. While focused on a flower, I later discover a delicate web, a miniscule bug or an interesting play of light.

mouse found a peanut

Found a peanut

Of course when you take as many pictures as I do, the delete key is your friend. How wonderful it is in this digital age to snap hundreds of photos, knowing you don’t have to trek to your local photo processing store a week later, wondering what, if anything, turned out. It’s liberating.

orange poppies

I was so focused on photographing these California Poppies, that I failed to notice the pretty yellow and purple wildflowers growing in the mix.

Are pictures integral to your blog? Do you write first, then add photos later? Or do you write a story around the photos you have? Since most of my readers are also bloggers, I’m interested in hearing about your approach. If you’re a non-blogging reader, what draws you in?  Please join the conversation, below.

polka dot plant with web

Polka dot plant sports a tiny web

Halloween Countdown:

fashionable pumpkin

This stylish pumpkin takes re-fashion to a whole new level. Check out her ‘sixy’ mouth and her inquisitive nose. New this year, mismatched eyelashes. The sexy mole is also back. Finally, if you aren’t wearing trash on your head, you’ll have missed the biggest trend of all.


15 thoughts on “A Camera’s Perspective

  1. I don’t remember ever saying so Alys – but you do take lovely photos!
    I take photos as I create specifically for blog posts – this generally causes me to write according to the photos. As you are aware photography is not my strong suit – though my YD assures me it’s because of my crap camera, not because I lack skill 🙂 I am not convinced, but may need to look into updating my phone at some point [and this is just how crazy far the world has come] so that I can take decent photos!


    • Well aren’t you kind. Thank you!

      As for the camera phone, it *is* amazing how far they’ve come. It’s also stunning to me that with a smart phone, you can essentially carry around a computer in your purse or pocket, priced at what we once paid for a fancy calculator.

      I admire the discipline it takes to document every step of your crafting as you go. That isn’t easy to do.

      Thanks for sharing your approach.


  2. Yes, I agree with the contented crafter, your pics always look so professional, like out of a gardening magazine! For me, I have a vision in my head before I write or take pics and attempt to take the pics based on that vision. It usually works out but often sometimes, a certain pic will provide a new ‘angle’ for the blogstory that I hadn’t thought of!


    • Thanks so much, GJeo. I’m self taught, learning as I go. It’s been fun discovering what works and what doesn’t. The plus side of a gardening blog, is that most photos are outside, with nature’s beautiful light.

      I like the idea of you creating a vision and then taking pics to fit that. It’s also good to ‘go with it’ as you’ve said, too. Some of my better blogs are the ones that start out in one direction, and end up in a different place entirely.

      Thanks for sharing your method.


  3. That’s a really good question. For the crafty posts, I take photo’s as I go along and attempt to interject some silliness and fun. For other posts, I might have an idea to write about and look for photo’s in an old album. I don’t usually start with any layout in mind, it’s very adhock 😀

    I certainly upload a lot more photo’s than I can use and sometimes I should go thru iPhoto and purge. Can’t imagine trying to do a Blog with rolling film. Then again, there wasn’t Blogs until the digital age…or where those magazines? When I think about the money I’ve spent on Magazines……oh man, the monthly internet bill becomes a bargain.

    I loved seeing Mouse this morning too. I hope I can have a garden friend when we find a place. xox


    • Mouse loves making the rounds with me. I’m so lucky. He got on my bed earlier this week, and Lindy came over and sat right next to him. That was a first. Of course when I went for the camera he got up and followed me.

      I’ve done similar to you: if I know I plan to explain something I try to take orderly photos. Other times, I “write in my head” and take photos to go with it. Still other times, I just snap away and find a story to tell later.

      As for film and blogging, so true. I love that I was born into this digital age.

      Thanks for sharing your perspectives. Its been fun reading everyone’s viewpoint.


  4. HI Alys. I have my camera in my pocket or near by when I am in the garden and take loads or photos. I love digital cameras, The other day I took 276 photos! Couldn’t do that with the old 24 exposure roll of film! The blog is normally about what I’ve done and then I look thought the photos of the day to see what fits. Without photos a blog is just a page full of words and it a little hard to read.
    Cheers Sarah : o )


    • Sarah, what a great idea. When your camera is always handy, you have a better chance of capturing the perfect moment. As I’m reading your book, I’ve realized how many great photos you had to go with your seasons.

      You are right, too about the 24 exposure roll of film. That already seems like a lifetime ago, yet it was the norm a mere 15 years ago.

      I agree, too, that the words and photos compliment each other. Thanks for posting amid your busy spring garden days.


  5. My camera comes with me everywhere – even to work – but I have yet to snap my colleagues! If I am out and about I take photos to put on my blog and then write about where I have been. Some of my pictures I save until I manage to get a post together at a later date. I do like to take pictures then write at the same time because much of my blog is just a journal of what I am doing at the moment and I do think pictures help a blog come to life rather like a magazine. The hardest ones for me were last Xmas when I decided to write each post in December around the lines of a Christmas Carol – Deck the Halls – and find pictures that fit the words. In fact it was quite a good exercise and one I might repeat this year.
    Your pictures are stunning – I like this background.


    • Wow! Thanks for sharing your perspective. I agree that blogs are more engaging when there are pictures to go with the stories. It’s great that you always bring your camera, too. I recently took mine on a hike and forgot the chip at home. Boy was I bummed about that. I used my mobile phone but the quality and control just aren’t there.

      What a challenge writing posts around A Christmas Carol. I love that idea. It’s great challenging ourselves. I challenged myself to blog every day for one year, and really got a lot of satisfaction and discipline from doing so.

      Thanks for your kind words regarding my photos, and thanks too, for your detailed reply. Fascinating.


  6. Sometimes the words call for the photo, other times the photo needs words. You taught me to add them by example. I never took many photos since my visual limitation keeps me from seeing what the camera sees. I just have to trust it to do my work for me. Thank goodness someone invented cameras that can do that. My son gets frustrated with me sometime that I watch regular TV when HD is available to me. It all looks the same to me; it’s the same with photos.


    • Thanks, Marlene!

      I have to giggle about the HD thing. My husband couldn’t wait to get an HD TV. I can appreciate the clarity, but after five minutes I stopped noticing the difference.

      I agree with your first sentence, too. Both have been true for me. I remember when you started adding photos. They’ve added a lovely dimension to your blog.


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