Sweet Clementine…Candles

Today’s weekly email from Pinterest suggested “Pins You’ll Love.” Boy do they have my number. One of the pins was a do-it-yourself candle project from Apartment Therapy. The title: How to Make a Clementine Candle. I watched the instructional video and headed straight for the kitchen. I had a basket full of Clementines just waiting for something fun.

My first attempt was a bust, as you can see below, but the second one turned out okay. What a fun project.

You simply cut around the middle of the Clementine with a small knife, careful not to cut into the fruit.  Then gently remove the fruit from both sides, leaving the internal stem intact. The stem acts as a wick for your candle.



The instructions say to cut an opening in the top half using a knife. I’m not the best carver, so I improvised instead, using a small, sharp, cookie cutter shaped like a snowman.

Cookie Cutter Top

Snowman Cookie Cutter creates a vent in the top of the “candle”

You fill the bottom half with olive oil. I pushed the stem into the oil for a few minutes to make sure it wicked properly.

Clementine Half filled with olive oil

Clementine and Olive Oil

Clementine Candle

Clementine Candle

I’m ready to host a dinner party, just so I can line the table with these fruity delights.

Snowman "Chimney"

Snowman “Chimney”

Let me know if you give this a try!

Be sure to check back tomorrow to see my Granny Smith apple in action.

From Apartment Therapy:

11 thoughts on “Sweet Clementine…Candles

  1. Pingback: An Apple a Day, Plus a Candle You Say? | gardeningnirvana

  2. Cute stuff. So romantic too 😉 I just bout a giant box of Japanese Christmas Oranges. I wonder if it would work with them? I should give it a whirl tomorrow. Jim eats them like crazy. I’ll let you know.


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