Boomdeeada: One Lovely Blog Award

If you haven’t stopped by Boomdeeadda, you’re in for a treat. Boomdee’s clever and creative blog covers eclectic topics ranging from animals to vintage.  She loves the color aqua and weaves it throughout her posts. I look forward to reading her blog daily. It’s always upbeat, personal and informative.

Among my recent favorites:

Boomdeeadda CM Page

Continuing the One Lovely Blog Award Tradition:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
  2. Share seven things about yourself.
  3. Nominate seven bloggers you admire.
  4. Leave each blogger a comment letting them know they’ve been honored here.

Seven Things

  1. I love dancing. I don’t do it enough.
  2. The spelling of my name Alys dates back to the 1600s.
  3. I love the smell of the earth, the sprout of a seed and the joy of a changing garden.
  4. I never get tired of holding babies.
  5. Things I’ve done in spite of my fears: scuba diving, para-sailing and holding my cat as he slipped away.
  6. I used to cover my short, red, curly hair with my mother’s black slip so I could pretend I was Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet.
  7. I enjoy the sound of a purring cat, fizzy champagne and my husband’s laughter.

Seven Super Bloggers

  1. A Detailed House Blogging about architectural details and design symmetry.
  2. A Nature Mom “Playing outdoors and exploring the wonders of nature…every day.”
  3. As Time Goes…Buy Fashion and fun, all rolled into one.
  4. David Hobson’s Garden Humour “To boldly grow where no man has groan before.”
  5. Pillows-a-la-Mode An education writer who loves to make pillows and crafts in her free time.
  6. The Pyjama Gardner.  PJ blogs with humour about her spacious and inspired garden.
  7. Romancing the Bee  Making urban beekeeping beautiful.

Thank you, Boomdee.  It’s been a joy getting to know you.  Thanks to all my readers for making this a special place.

16 thoughts on “Boomdeeada: One Lovely Blog Award

  1. I am blown away, what an awesome collage of all my favorite things. I feel like I just got a second award. You are a tremendous friend, and you’ve just made my day. We went back to the lake last night for a BBQ with all my old friends and today 18 holes of golf….this is a beautiful treat to come home to, thanks so so much, I just can’t stop looking at it. You should be designing websites Alys!! ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Boomdee, what a lovely day you’ve had. I can just picture you visiting with your friends at the beautiful lake. It sounds like my kind of day.

      I’m so happy you like the page. I’ll post it separately on Facebook so you have a copy if you like. It was easy to do. You have so many lovely pictures, and you organize your site so well that I was able to go back and find some of my favorites (I have many more).

      I’ve loved this connection we’ve made. Your comments and posts are something I look forward to every day. Thank you for that.


  2. Alys, you are a really lovely lady – the collage for Boomdee is such a kind thing to do! Thank you for mentioning The Pyjama Gardener blog – it’s much appreciated (although I am still a little shy of these things). Thanks also for introducing me to Boomdee’s blog, it’s super, and I look forward to popping over to your other nominees!
    Thanks again (big wave from across the Atlantic) x x x


    • PJ what a lovely thing to say. Thank you. I really enjoy your blog. I also appreciate your desire for anonymity so don’t worry about carrying this any further. At the very least, you know how much I enjoy your blog.


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