Fanciful Fairy Gardens: Available for the Child Within

Future Site of Homes for Fairies and Gnomes

I’m mesmerized by the idea of a fairy garden, a place among the flowers and trees designed to attract “fairies and garden gnomes.”

I was surprised to find entire websites dedicated to this pursuit.  You can buy  hand-carved furniture and tiny fences for your upscale fairy, or you can gather rocks, twigs and leaves and design a starter miniature garden.  I like the creative challenge of using items found in nature.  I could outfit a beautiful pot or corner with purchased items, but I’ll have more fun creating something from scratch.

Two large boulders and a little patch of dirt are within my sights out back, a lovely place for fairies to take up residence.  If you build it, they will come.

Building Materials

Further Fairy Garden Inspiration:

Ask the Party Fairy

The Feathered Nest

The Magic Onions

The Mini Garden Guru

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