A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Unless The Camera is in Another Room

hummingbird on top of fountain

From the archives: Anna’s Hummingbird perched on the fountain, September, 2016

You’ve probably heard the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I looked up the origin of the cliché this morning as I watched a hummingbird splashing about in the bubbler atop our fountain. The concept isn’t new, but the expression is only about one hundred years old.

BB (Before Blogging) I would have enjoyed the hummingbird experience for what it was: a gem of a moment that I might have missed if I hadn’t looked out the window at just the right time. Ten minutes earlier, as I watered the indoor plants, I mused that I really should get out there with the hose and top up the fountain.

Instead, the receding water slowed the fountain pump allowing the tiny bird a chance to sit in the bubbler and spin in a circle while splashing its wings. Pure joy!

AB (After Blogging) I’ve realized that I want to share these special moments with you. Our global blogging community fits neatly into another cliché; “It’s the gift that keeps on giving.”

On the subject of gifts, I’m traveling to Oregon next week to spend time with blogger Marlene from In Search Of It All. We’ve connected for years through our blogs, then graduated to emailing, Facebook, phone calls, texts and finally our first face-to-face.  I can hardly wait to give and receive the in-person hug we’ve been trading virtually for years.

In March I’ll be traveling again, a trip two years in the making: I’m off to New Zealand, where my friend Pauline of The Contented Crafter and her two daughters will host three blogger-turned-friends from Canada and the US. It’s a trip of a lifetime.  I still can’t quite believe we’ve pulled it off.

While I hope to capture photos worth a thousand words, I know I’ll be gathering incredible memories with special women. I’m looking forward to sharing more of them with you.


61 thoughts on “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Unless The Camera is in Another Room

  1. One of the questions I forgot to ask yesterday was if your trip to Oregon was still on – I’m delighted to hear it is. I am so happy that one of us will have a real, physical hug with Marlene and had a face to face heart-to-heart with that dear soul! I hope you both have a truly wonderful time together! This blogging lark has turned into something really special – I still shake my head and ask how did this happen? It’s one of those delightful mysteries that life offers up from time to time ❤ Travel happy, travel safe ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • When I spoke to MH last week, I told her that one of the hugs I would be delivering was coming straight from you., Pauline. It’s taken me months to arrange it. We had the flu, then Mexico, then my oral surgery. Blah blah blah. I’m pretty excited.

      I too still shake my head and marvel at it all. It’s extraordinary. I spoke with our friend Boomdee last night. She’’s about 14 hours into her flight now. I’ll bet she can’t wait to get her feet on the ground. Xo

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      • It’s such a long haul – you’ll be able to quiz K on things to watch out for….. I always wear pressure socks when flying just to help with the leg swelling thing – forgot to say that yesterday too….. Hope to hear from K in the group thingy if she takes time out from seeing the sights of Sydney…


  2. I’m new to your site and to blogging. I appreciate your thoughts and am amazed at the rapport you’ve managed to achieve with other bloggers. Will I ever achieve those great height, I wonder? I’ll look forward to reading about your trip to NZ as I’m from there, although I’ve lived in Australia for many years.


    • Welcome, Jane. The blogging world is an amazing place. As you visit other blogs, you’ll gradually find bloggers that share your interests or your world view. Kindred spirits attract, I’m convinced of that. I follow bloggers from Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, the UK, Wales, France and I’m sure others I’m forgetting. I’ve found people who love photography, crafting, travel, gardening, cats, literature, you name it.

      What part of New Zealand are you from? I hope to visit Australia one day, too. I used to have a couple of friends living there in Melbourne but one of them now lives in Paris.


      • I was born in Wellington, and also lived in the Waikato area, perhaps one of the most fertile areas in NZ. Now I live in the Central Tablelands of NSW, a very different climate with extremes of heat and cold. Quite challenging at times.


          • I return to NZ sometimes for holidays: I have no family there now. We very much enjoy our holidays in NZ as there’s so much to see and the scenery is gorgeous. Most recent holiday was to the SI where it snowed in December, but it was lovely to have the snow covered mountains as our companions nearly everywhere we went.


  3. So many blessings, Alys! How lovely to be in the right place at the exact moment the little hummingbird was doing a water ballet! Having a fountain right outside your window sounds just delightful. You and Marlene will have SO much fun visiting, hugging, stitching, crafting, laughing… whatever you decide to do together! You are so good about really connecting with dear blogging friends. It’s so amazing that you will be traveling to New Zealand for your next adventure, Alys! We can’t wait for you to share all of your favorite memories with us when you return! Happy travels!! ♡


    • Dawn, that fountain provides hours of entertainment (and an occasional scare, like the time i turned around and our kitten sat perched on the edge of it). As you know, flowing water is incredibly soothing, so we benefit from that year round. It attracts squirrels and birds for both drinking and bathing, and perhaps the raccoons have a drink, too, under the cover of darkness.
      It will be amazing to finally meet Marlene after all these years. I’ll meet her daughter, too.

      New Zealand still feels like a bit of a dream, and may remain that way until I actually board the plane in a few weeks time. I look forward to meeting you one day. I know it will happen. xo

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  4. Gorgeous photo, which really helps to evoke the experience you describe. Please give Marlene a very big hug for me, and when you travel to NZ, give us over here a wave – you’ll be a lot closer than usual, and I might just see it 😉

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  5. That is such a happy little photo of the bird on the bubbler. And then all the rest made me happy too. I’ve been trying to keep quiet about your visit in case I might make anyone jealous of my good fortune. 🙂 You will probably get to meet my infamous little sister as well. I am so looking forward to this visit. It feels a bit surreal. Somehow, we find each other is this huge world. Those that connect at a heart level more than a head level. I don’t believe in accidents so I know we are meant to share some parts of our lives with each other. I wish I could make that long journey with you but my heart will be flying along instead. Love and hugs till next week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cindy, I know you love the hummer’s as much as I do. They’re mesmerizing to watch and such a pleasure to have in the garden. That single fountain, parked right outside our living room window, has been fantastic. xo


  6. It is funny how our thinking changes when we start blogging. I was pretty obsessed with finding the “blog worthy” photos and activities for the first couple years and I still am apt to experience the world by thinking, “Oh! I need to write about this.” You’re right–it’s the idea of sharing with friends that makes it exciting. Your trips to visit blog friends are going to be so fun–I especially look forward to hearing about them since these folks are all my blog friends, too.


  7. Beautiful picture Albs! A picture is certainly worth a thousand words, but as I’m now discovering, too many of them can be worth several thousand dollars! I’ve taken SO MANY pictures since I started blogging that my 1 gigabyte computer is nearly full and I’m going to need a new one just to keep going – lol! One gig seemed enormous at the time I purchased it and I never dreamed that that I’d run out of space. On the one hand, technology can be too much of a good thing. But on the other hand, blogging allows us to make connections that we would not otherwise make and enrich our lives beyond our own little worlds. Enjoy your time away. I can’t wait for you to share the memories of your upcoming trips with us!


    • I can completely relate, Sara. High quality photos take up a lot of space, but they are so worth having. I suppose we could go back and delete the rejects, but what a waste of time. It’s much more fun to create. Thanks for all your good cheer.

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  8. We are glad that you share, that hummingbird looks like he’s having a great time. Have an amazing travel experience, can’t wait to see photos!! I agree with Pauline about the pressure socks, especially on such a long flight. Have fun!


    • Thank you, Karen! And another vote for compression/pressure socks. I’ll bet LB all to myself for that first leg of the trip. I’m so excited to talk with her in depth, something we never have a chance to do. xo


  9. I know what you mean, but sometimes I purposefully stand still and enjoy the moment as I know fetching the camera will take too long! Your trips sound great – especially New Zealand! Have a wonderful time Alys!


  10. I know exactly what you mean about photos…..You saw my poor video on Instagram where I was trying to get the parent blackbird feeding the chicks in a nest. Never quite nailed it, but I knew I wanted to share the moment. 🙂
    New Zealand is such a beautiful place, with beautiful people. (Oregon must be too, but I’ve never been there!) You will be blown away. I will be waving at you from ‘over the ditch’ too, knowing that we will meet up one day. Safe travels, and many hugs. (And yes, wear the compression stockings.) 💚


    • Anne, it really makes you appreciate even more the National Geographic videographers and photographers that land those amazing shots and videos. It’s fun to have a record for ourselves and it’s wonderful to go back and experience what was all too brief, once again.

      Isn’t it interesting how some birds remain paired and stay to raise the chicks. With others it’s up to the mother. Nature is fascinating.

      I will look for that wave Anne, while at the same time look forward to a future visit to Australia.

      Thanks for your kind words, and for another tip on compression stockings. I must add that to my shopping list so I don’t forget💚


  11. You are so gifted with words that you don’t really need a camera, dear Alys … based on your description I could clearly picture the little hummingbird doing his/her happy dance! And yet I completely understand this desire you describe to capture things and share them — and I’m lucky to echo your experience too of having met wonderful people through blogging (your fine self being chief among them). I hope your upcoming visits with far-flung friends will be as fun and rewarding as I imagine.


  12. Pingback: A Fantastic February | insearchofitall

  13. awwwww! How sweet 😀 Your little hummers are a wonder. I saw one all of last year :p Better than none I suppose. And here’s the news I missed about your visit to Marlene! How fantastic is that!! She will be over the moon! I hope you can share a pic or two. I know you’re having fun!

    I took a moment to think about your post. It’s really different for everyone isn’t it? Sometimes I find it’s nice to just enjoy the moments without my phone in hand (I didn’t even bring a camera here). I almost think I miss the essence of a moment, trying to get the perfect photo. For me, I often just like to enjoy and appreciate a moment while it’s happening and be really present. I can’t seem to do both. Problem is, I go to scrapbook and say, “I didn’t take enough photo’s”, gak! Catch 22. But I’m really happy you’re so accomplished with your camera and share your joys of lifes little moments here. Blogging really does bring wonderful things to my life, including you, xox I can’t imagine why everyone hasn’t got a blog 😀


    • Only one!? Well then it’s time to head back to Butchart Gardens, then San Jose. 🙂 I’m always feeling that I didn’t take enough photos. I love having them, scrapbooking with them, looking at them. I treasure all the photos from my trips as well as my day to day. I agree thought, that it’s so important to be in the moment as much as possible and to treasure the time. It’s about striking a balance I suppose.

      LOL on your thoughts behind why everyone doesn’t have a blog. Do they know what they’re missing? I think not.

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