Alberta on my Mind

I’ve had an extraordinary ten days in Alberta. In typical holiday fashion, the time passed in a flash. It was full of highs and more highs. So it goes when you’re spending time with a treasured friend.

Jasper National Park Alberta

Good times at Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

I met Boomdee via WordPress, a wonderful forum for finding your people. There are days when I still can’t believe it.



Yet here we are, making the most of our time together, while making do with the time apart.

Boomdee lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She hosted me at her home in Edmonton. We also took a two-day excursion to the mountains, the world-famous Canadian Rockies, about a five-hour drive from Edmonton. Mr. B, as he’s affectionately known, drove the ten-hour round trip. The drive was breathtaking.

Japser National Park Alberta-034

The mostly two-lane highway passes magnificent forests of Alpine Larch, Spruce, Fir to name just a few. Meandering rivers are a glorious milky blue this time of year as the snow and glaciers melt. We stopped at two or three waterfalls on our journey. It’s difficult to describe the power of the water slowly carving out the mountains as the icy waters rush downstream. This video will give you a general idea.

The high point of the day, if you’ll forgive the pun, was time spent above the Columbia Glaciers. You walk along a cliff-edge walkway before arriving on a glass-floored observation platform 918 feet (280 metres) over glacier-formed valleys and rushing waterfalls. If you follow this link, you’ll see the full magnificence of the viewing platform, unobstructed by tourists like me. Boomdee preferred the solid footing of the cliff.  I ventured out with Mr. B, weak-kneed but excited to experience the incredible view.

That night, we stayed in her friend’s cabin just across the border in Valemount, British Columbia. It’s a small village of about 1,000 people. What a treat!

Valemount, British Columbia

Valemount, BC

On our way home, we enjoyed lunch at the historic Jasper Park Lodge, known locally as JPL.

Back in Edmonton we packed in more fun. We visited Fort Edmonton with Ben and Sherry, and enjoyed coffee and banana bread with her Aunty Kathleen. We visited Urban Scrapbook, The Duchess Bakery and Greenland Garden Centre and nursery. Boomdee recently replanted her boulevard, but saved a space for a plant that we bought together. Isn’t that the sweetest? We sat on her deck or patio, enjoying tea, coffee and toast.

When you get back from a trip, you often here “What was your favorite part?” In a word: Boomdee.

Together we giggle like school girls and seemingly travel on the same emotional plane.  We have similar loves and shared world views, which make our time together easy. She’s a gracious host, married to a lovely man and together they live with a pair of charming cats named Blossum and Petals.

I felt welcome and right at home. Do you have a friend like that?

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We’re already planning our next trip, which makes the time apart seem more doable.

Come have a look at Boomdee’s post about our time together. Here’s an excerpt:

It’s still  dark, but actually very warm outside this morning. When I say morning, it’s very early, only 4:25AM.  The kitties followed me downstairs and did a drive-by snacking.  Now, I’m thinking they’ve gone back to bed because the house is very still and quiet.  It’s Alys’s last day here in Edmonton…[read more]

In case you missed it, here is my post documenting her creative process for Urban Scrapbook.

Ten Reasons to Visit Alberta (and BC)

Glacier Skywalk Experience

Trees of Alberta

Jasper National Park

Valemount, British Columbia

Fort Edmonton

Jasper Park Lodge

Edmonton Parks

Delicious Restaurants and Wonderful Service

Urban Scrapbook


33 thoughts on “Alberta on my Mind

  1. Oh my goodness Alys – you were so brave to walk that glass platform! I like to think that I would have gone too, but I’m not too good standing on a chair if there’s nothing to grab a hold of! 🙂 Mr and Mrs B sure made your stay very special, what a gorgeous place they live in – I’m sure it makes those long winters almost worthwhile. 🙂 I’m so glad you got a chance to visit with Boomdee both in her studio and in her store too – I’ll bet that was fun! It’s funny how special times go past in a flash isn’t it – but there will be many more I’m sure. Thanks for sharing a bit with us. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

        • Tee Hee, I’m sure you’re right. I went out about 10 feet and took a couple of photo’s then ran back. The photo’s are pathetic because I’m looking straight in the wrong direction and you can practically see me thinking, “don’t look down, just don’t look down”. I look petrified. You no doubt would be braver than I ❤ ❤


  2. Pauline, they did have handrails, but even so, the idea of being up so high while being able to see through the glass does give you pause. I’m so glad I did it, though. K. made a valiant effort, but if you aren’t enjoying yourself there is no point. My sister Sharon is deathly afraid of heights, so much so that she even has trouble crossing bridges. The B’s are wonderful. K. wouldn’t let me lift a finger in the kitchen and J. kept my glass filled, and made sure all was well. They are both gracious people. They have a finished basement with a delightful guest room and bath, so it was like having my own suite.

    Though we were often on the go, we found a lot of time to just sit, too. Time on the deck, the porch, the couch, in the Boomroom…all of it added up to a relaxing time.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Isn’t the internet the BEST for finding kindred spirits? I have friends all over the world now, and friends we’ve spend wonderful times with in person. When we win the lottery (I live in hope…) Canada is high on the list of must-see places, so thank you for the virtual mini-tour. And there’s no way on earth I could be dragged out onto a walkway made of glass…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kate, please don’t wait to win the lottery. The Canadian dollar trades quite favourably with most currencies. We’re all about wide open spaces out west. History and big cities out east. I’m with you on the glass viewing deck. We witnessed one tourist literally dragging their scared child out there and it made my stomach ache for him. I was concentrating on not freaking out myself. I thought that was pretty mean of them. Now instead of wasting his entrance fee, they’ll spend 100 times that on therapy.


      • A visit is definitely in the bucket list, but it’ll have to wait a few years at least, since we’re way round on the other side of the globe and down in the southern hemisphere!
        I’ve always said it’s not the heights I mind, but the edges, and with a glass walkway, not even the edges are there! I can just about do an ordinary skywalk, so long as I look straight ahead and never, ever down… But I still feel shaky afterwards.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Looks like a wonderful trip and how cool that you found each other as you did. Hiking has kind of helped me get over my fear of heights, but I’m not sure I would be brave enough to try the glass lookout. Glad you had a great vacation.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful photo’s and wonderful thoughts about our visit hon. It’s a little humbling to see and hear about your part of the world through new eyes. Like most people, we’ve become somewhat complacent about the views. But in fact they’re so naturally beautiful. I sure wish we’d had a clearer day in the mountains, so we could have gotten really really good views. Maybe next time. You’ve been so gracious for your messages of cheer to your readers too, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words. We sure enjoyed your company and toodling about to show you around. I didn’t feel the least bid hostesy, I felt like my sister was hanging with me for a few glorious days. I can’t wait for our next adventure but will relish this summer over and over again. I’d pinch myself, but I know you’re the real deal. Kind, caring, joyful, kindred, smart, articulate, helpful and loved so very dearly. The memories are cherished. xo to the moon and back Kelly/Boomdee/Petals


  6. Oh, what an amazing time with a true kindred spirit, Alys! Boomdee planned such a special time for her special visitor. ♥ Alberta looks so beautiful! You were so fortunate to make memories together in so many breathtaking places during your visit.

    I do know how it feels to have a kindred spirit so far away. My dear, dear friend lives near the Black Forest in Germany! While we were both single, we took turns visiting one another year after year. I went to her in the odd-numbered years and she visited me in the even-numbered years. Now our visits are further apart, but that just makes them even more special. She is coming to visit next summer!! It’s a dream-come-true for both of us!!

    Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us, Alys!! I can feel the joy both you and Boomdee shared during your time together! Kindreds bless our lives in so many ways!! ♡


  7. Reblogged this on Boomdeeadda and commented:
    Have I told you lately that I have a BFF in San Jose, California? Oh I guess I have! But did you know Alys and I met right here at WordPress? Maybe you do. Well now, have you ever wondered what it’s REALLY like in the Boom-zone? No, maybe, absolutely, all of the above? Read on………..


  8. What a wonderful trip! You two are so cute together, what luck you’ve both found such a great friend! I don’t think I could have done the glass viewing deck!! Bravo!


  9. Looks and sounds fabulous Alys. So glad you have found such a precious friendship! I think it is rare. That glass platform is amazing! I am not sure my legs would have carried me out there, but the view was definitely worth the nerves. And that cabin – wow! Your picture of the flower meadow immediately captured my attention too. 🙂


  10. What a trip! It looks perfect on every level–scenery, experiences, friendship. I can’t believe you went out on that walkway! I’ve been on one of those glass floors, in the CN Tower in Toronto, but to be walking a long distance, just out there in thin air–not sure I could do it and I KNOW my husband wouldn’t!


  11. Wow! And amazing holiday. I can feel the power of those waterfalls – and the specialness of being with your best friend.

    Yes, I have a friend like that, too. We met working in Greece twenty years ago. She’s in the south of England with her family so we only see each other about once every year or so.


  12. Alys, I loved reading about your trip, seeing photos, and how sweet your friendship is. I felt like I was a young girl in a more innocent time reading a book that took me to a different wonderful place. I especially liked the photo of you two on the colorful chairs by the water. Thanks for sharing and enriching other people’s lives!


  13. My goodness, that scenery is jaw dropping! I could stay there for days. Not on the glass walkway though. I tried that in the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, AZ. I got out on it but didn’t wander too far. Not nearly as pretty as what you saw in Alberta. Since I like the cold, it’s my kind of country. I’d say it but you already know how fortunate you two are to have found each other. A close female friend does more good for a woman’s health than any medicine in the world. They are hard to come by and you two are a good mix. It’s nice that we got to peak in at your visit. Thank you for sharing it.


  14. Wow, some incredible photos here, and to share special times with a good friend is even more wonderful. Blogging has been such fun for me, too, although I’ve been offline for a couple of weeks and have REALLY missed catching up with everyone.


  15. Alys, I’m so proud of you for getting out there on that observation deck! I’m pretty sure I’d have been right there with you. I say “pretty sure” as I like to think I’m braver than I actually am!
    What a gorgeous country, and a beautiful friend to enjoy it with.
    The friendship you share makes me happy, and I’m so blessed to know, and love you both.


  16. Pingback: Final Score: Thrips 7, Gardener 0 – Gardening Nirvana

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