Gardening Indoors: Paper Whites and Tulips

I planted Paper White Narcissus and Tulip bulbs indoors last week and they’re growing like weeds.

Just a month ago the idea of planting the bulbs seemed overwhelming.  It’s so good to have my energy back.

This beautiful vase holds Narcissus in our bedroom once again. The white flowers look gorgeous against the blue wall and their scent is heavenly.

indoor bulbs collage

Paper White Narcissus in our bedroom

A few more of the Paper Whites are growing on the kitchen windowsill, along with a vase of tulips. The tulips were a gift from a friend last year as a thank you for helping her move. After the flowers died back, I saved both the vase and the bulbs to replant this year.

Paper White Narcissus Blooms in the kitchen window

Paper White Narcissus Blooms in the kitchen window

What I didn’t notice until cropping this photo, is a bit of dusty mold. I’ve had the odd bulb rot while stored off-season, but the ones I planted seemed fine. I’m wondering if the water level is too high? I changed the water, “dusted them off” and returned everything to the vase. So far so good. It will be fun to see what flowers this year.

tulip bulbs kitchen window

Tulip Bulbs in a vase in need of some TLC

I think it’s fascinating that bulbs store their energy in that little brown orb, knowing when it’s time once again to grow. I know that eating healthier is helping my energy level, in addition to physical therapy and Pilates. I’ve been seeing the PT three hours a week, and I’m back to Pilates two days a week.

I’ve  been tracking every morsel of food to cross my lips since the first of the year through a free app called My Fitness Pal. You track food, water intake and exercise. The app tells you how you are doing in terms of healthy fat, protein and carbs as well as sugar and sodium. I’m hooked.

To further aid in my accountability, I’ve added the My Fitness Pal widget to my side bar. It shows my weight loss to date. There’s nothing like a bit of public accountability to keep you on track, eh?

Though I could happily eat chocolates tomorrow, the cravings have subsided. I’m better off without it for now, perhaps forever.

As January draws to a close, how are you doing with your plans and goals for this year?

29 thoughts on “Gardening Indoors: Paper Whites and Tulips

  1. Oh, it’s lovely that you have those late winter early spring blooms coming along already – not that you really get winter in Sunny California …………. And congratulations to you dear heart! How fabulous – well on the way to a healthier you! I am most impressed with your 6lbs and you aren’t even moving freely again yet! These little electronic devices and apps are so helpful aren’t they! I love my Up24 [a Christmas gift] it is keeping me drinking my water and moving and logging my sleep too which is most interesting! The thyroid is responding – the dosage has just been upped again in the search to get it ‘just right’ – but every time it is increased there is a bit more energy, a bit more freedom of movement – so I feel I am getting better all the time. We are ‘on the up’ at the same time 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pauline, I’m so pleased to read that you are feeling better and better each day. These apps and devices are eye-opening. It’s fascinating tracking your sleep, your water intake and your food. Some days it reminds me that I’ve not been drinking enough water. It’s more likely to happen when I’m away from home and busy with a client. I’ve been drinking a big glass of lemon water every day (thank you lemon tree) along with herbal tea, water and mineral water. It’s all refreshing.

      I’m happy to hear that they thyroid adjustments are making a difference. I know several people with thyroid disorders and know that they experiment a lot at first to find that sweet spot.

      Here’s to our continued, mutual good health. I just finished four weeks of PT and see my foot doctor for my three-month follow up tomorrow. It’s February!!! January flew. xo


      • I know!! And February will disappear just as fast ………. No time for procrastination any more Alys we have to get those things we want to do done asap!! [I wonder if the dosage is too high? 🙂 ] And guess what, the bedroom is done, the sleeping is better and the weight is coming off. I don’t use scales so have no idea how much, but know by my silhouette and clothes fit. I think the sweet spot is hit!! I hope it doesn’t move around too much 🙂
        How does the foot feel, are you moving more easily yet? I shall look forward to hear what the doctor says tomorrow – lots of good wishes coming at you for that! Maybe we are due a group skype session soonish? What do you think? Grab K while she’s at home, LB before she signs up for something else and see if J is around……. 🙂


        • Agreed, though we do get one more day this February so we can contemplate that for a bit. What to do with that extra day.

          I LOVE love love your new bedroom. It’s brilliant in every way, with the best part being your happier state and the ability to rest in a soothing environment. To read that you’re sleeping better and that the weight is coming off makes me happy. Your year is off to an amazing start.

          Yes, to a group Skype soon. I’ll try to put together an email later today. You make me smile. xo

          Liked by 1 person

  2. They really are pretty Alys. I am also constantly amazed at what tiny little roots or bulbs manage to produce with just a little water and warmth! Glad you are feeling better now, and well done with the weight loss! I now feel very guilty as I am about to cook some cookies! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cathy, no guilt! Enjoy those cookies (which you probably baked). You look terrific. Thank you for cheering me on. The weight is coming off slowly but steadily and my habits have improved. The challenge is staying the course and if you drift, getting back to it. Tracking everything makes a big difference.

      One of the joys of indoor bulbs is seeing those roots. I’m fascinated by all of it.

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  3. Your post was like a gift of fresh flowers this morning, Alys, as I sit looking out my window at the thick blanket of snow that last weekend’s blizzard dumped on us. You’ve inspired me to do some indoor bulb planting once the garden center parking lot is cleared. And well done for tracking your wellness with the app and otherwise! I find that public accountability really keeps me going with my fitness program, and nudges me back onto the wagon if I slip off from time to time. I haven’t been keeping up with my friends’ blog posts in recent months. Sorry to hear you’ve had some health challenges (or at least that’s what I gleaned here). Sounds like you’re doing everything right to get yourself back on track!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Martha. What a lovely thing to say. I hope you have had a good clear out from the recent snow storms. They really walloped the east coast and many of the inland states.

      I had foot surgery in early November to repair multiple tears in my peronial tendon and to remove a cyst that had taken up residence in the surrounding damaged tissue. I had to be completely non-weight bearing for six weeks, followed by a few more weeks on crutches. I’m three months post surgery, walking with some pain but making huge progress. My goal is to be able to hike again. I’ve really missed it.


  4. I’m proud of your weight loss progress; I’m down 36 pounds and I’m hoping to get that number to 40 when I weigh in later today. My goal is to get in shape to do a 200 mile bike ride this summer, I’m trying to get off of diabetes medications. What is your fitness goal?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Charlie, congratulations on your impressive weight loss. Good for you. Are you at your goal or are you still losing? A 200 mile bike ride is a wonderful goal. Getting off meds will be amazing too.

      My fitness goal is to be able to hike again as my foot continues to heal. I’m back to Pilates two days a week, and just finished week four of PT. It’s been three months since my foot surgery, but the pain persists, albeit milder with each passing day.

      I’ve lost 8 pounds, with another 20 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.


  5. So happy to see you courageously growing indoor bulbs. Haven’t been brave enough yet myself. Glad you are doing so well with your plan to get healthier and more energetic. I’m still pushing through but at least I’m still trying. You will keep me inspired.

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  6. It’s so bright and sunny in your master room. I haven’t force bulbs since getting Blossum and Petals. They’re relentless with indoor plants. Especially Petals who can pop up onto the counter with ease. I miss the hyacinths the most because they’re so perfumed. Petal munches on stuff then kindly throws up on a rug even though there’s plenty of uncarpeted flooring around, gah!
    Sounds like you’ve found the right plan to achieve your goals. Go Alys Go! I’ve found your button here and bravo, 8 lbs!! That’s major! Are you feeling deprived? You’ll be back to your slim self in no time. We’ve been eating healthier too. Jim’s worried about pants being too tight, so less nightly snacking. Now if I would only get my butt to bed earlier xo K


    • I love all the light in our bedroom. Between the sliding door and the enlarged window, we really do get some nice light. No trees next to that part of the house, either.

      I had a roommate years ago whose cat ate all my houseplants. The cat would come in in the morning and I would wake up to him eating my plants. He didn’t go outdoors and she didn’t provide kitty grass so he just helped himself. It was so funny the first time he did, because I woke up wondering what that sound was. I didn’t have a cat of my own at the time. There he was nibbling away.

      I have to laugh at Petals puking on your rug. That is such a cat thing to do. Sigh. We have a huge Container of Nature’s Miracle in the house for just this purpose. It’s a non-toxic enzyme, so it has a light, clean smell and is safe for animals and kids. It’s usually Lindy hucking up a huge fur ball, but Mouse does it too. He goes out into the back garden, eats some of the new tall grass, then comes indoors to expel it along with undigested food. Charming.

      I learned from a nutritionist that rather than giving up something you like, you should upgrade. So, I’m off of soda and juice, but enjoying whole teas and a daily Kombucha. It’s only 60 calories with 6 grams of natural sugar and it is loaded with probiotics which age digestion. In the morning we’re drinking lemon water (a tall glass of water and the juice of one lemon). I do miss chocolate. Isn’t that interesting? It’s the one thing I want, but I’m not sure if it is a craving or an emotional desire. It doesn’t help that Valentine’s day is around the corner with beautiful red boxes displayed everywhere.

      Best of luck to you and Jim. And try the app if you think it will help. It’s been eye-opening for me.

      And yes, sleep helps too. Do you feel more rested since your time in Hawaii or are you back to your busy Urban schedule? xo

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      • Today is the first day that wasn’t full on. So I felt rested today 😀 Full week ahead, working Tues, Wed, Thurs, Saturday… must get a lot done tomorrow. I think I’d get bored if it wasn’t so. I’m not much for resting it seems xo K


        • Wow, you do have a busy week ahead. Four days with just a day “off” though I know you’ll be working at home too. I saw a Kelly’s Korner flash by but was gone most of the day yesterday and I’m working today. I must go investigate now. I never want to miss a post.

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          • mwaaaa, staying up to write new one tonight but I see you messaged me two days ago. We went to a presentation last night with a European River Cruise company. It was by invite with wine and a light dinner. I’m so excited for Spring 2017. Will fill you in on details soon. xo I hope your foots not too sore from your work days. xo


            • Your little fingers must be bone tired with all this writing and crafting and running of the cash register.

              Oh my, a river cruise…It sounds dreamy. I’ve been looking at the Viking River cruises. We get a brochure in the mail from time to time. A Pilates gal took one and said they’re great. I can’t wait to hear more about yours.

              My food is doing okay. I ice it in the evenings, and today I bought two pair of comfortable running shoes with lots of support and padding. Chic they are not, but they’re perfect for my feet at work. Thanks for asking. xo

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              • A late night visit coming at you from the comfy sofa. I worked with Jan tonight and we stayed till 10pm. Tomorrow I have a sleep in day though, yahoo!
                The River cruise company we’ll travel with is Avalon. They’re fairly new with wonderful accommodations. Here’s a link to reviews with a picture of the room. We’ll be doing a trip in Holland to see the gardens in spring of 2017. Gasp! I can hardly believe how beautiful it will be.


                Glad to hear you’ve found some great foot ware. I probably wear shoes that would cripple you but they don’t seem to bother me. I shop at a store that sells European foot ware and they tend to be fashionable yet well wearing and gentle on my feet. On a work day, I’ll stand for 6-8 hours with no problem. The spring and summer footwear should be arriving soon too 😀 That’s always fun xo K


                • Oh M G, that sweet is gorgeous. What a grand trip. I’m so happy for you. I could always carry your bags for you. 😉

                  I loved Holland though was only there for a day or two on my travels. You’re going to have a blast.

                  I know from our travels together that you can wear pretty much any shoe without problems. I’m quite envious as I’ve seen your tiny feet in lots of adorable shoes.

                  These shoes are colorful and comfortable, but not stylish at all. I’m still unsteady on my ankle and the doctor is worried that I’ll roll my ankle. It’s still a bit touch and go.

                  I also shop at a placed called Footwear etc. ( that only sells quality, comfortable shoes. My podiatrist gave me a 15% off coupon before my surgery. I’m going to wait for the swelling to go down before I buy more shoes there. For now my new runners will have to do.


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