Little Free Libraries in the News

It was exciting to wake up to a lovely article in the San Jose Mercury News: My Town  featuring our Little Free Library (LFL). My friend, Stacey Ross contacted the paper when she first heard about our LFL.  Thank you for all your support, Stacey.

alys and mouse and LFL

Article by Leeta-Rose Ballester, Photo by Jacqueline Ramseyer

Leeta-Rose Ballester stopped by our dedication ceremony and interviewed several guests. Leeta’s article Taking a Read opens with:

Like blowing on a dandelion to make a wish, sending its seeds windborne, local residents are spreading their love of reading throughout their neighborhoods via boxes full of books that are springing up on random street corners.

Isn’t that the best?

Thanks to Jacqueline Ramseyer of Bay Area News Group for the lovely photos.  It was fun seeing our feline friend prominently featured. He’s such a cheerful part of our community.

While delighted with the support of our community, my friend Susan shared this distressing post.  Spencer Collins,a 9-year-old Leawood, Kansas boy received a citation from his city, requiring him to remove his Little Free Library or pay a fine.  Here’s more of the story:

When [Spencer Collins]  tried to share his love for books, it started a surprisingly frustrating adventure.

“When we got home from vacation, there was a letter from the city of Leawood saying that it was in code violation and it needed to be down by [June] 19th or we would receive a citation,” said Spencer’s mother, Sarah Collins.

Leawood said the little house is an accessory structure. The city bans buildings that aren’t attached to someone’s home.

The family moved the little library to the garage, but Spencer Collins said he plans to take the issue up with City Hall.

Leawood said it has received two complaints about Spencer Collins’ library.

You can watch the news report here.

Spencer started a Facebook page yesterday. I’m following his page in solidarity and will be closely watching the outcome. Here’s the link to his page if you’re interested.

Meanwhile, if you live in the area and you haven’t already stopped by please do so. Summer is a great time to escape into a good read.The book selection changes frequently. There is always something for children and adults.

13 thoughts on “Little Free Libraries in the News

  1. How lovely Alys – and of course Mouse gets in on it too, that boy is such a camera hogger! 🙂
    City councils can be frustratingly dense affairs can’t they. Radical conservatism, red tape, bigotry and sheer stupidity are unfortunately world wide phenomena and are so very often found in politics at all levels.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I liked the page, too, then shared it and invited people to stand with Spencer on this. I can think of a lot of things that ought to be regulated, but birdhouses and Little Free Libraries aren’t on that list . . . Linne


  3. WOW! Congrat’s to my favourite San Jose girl! Look at you, so gorgeous and with our loving and extroverted Mr Mighty Mouse. LOL, leave it to Mouse to grab his 15 minutes of fame, that’s just so perfect. I’m really glad he was able to get in there because the two of you are tres’ cute. ‘Mousner’ rocks the LPL community! This photo makes me smile a mile. Is there a way to get a copy of this article hon? Are they on-line?

    Leeta is a really pretty name. She’s done a beautiful job and I think she chose just the most perfect words for you. You’re planting seeds even when you aren’t in the garden sweetie 😀 Your guys must have been really thrilled when they saw it hey? Is your garage overflowing with the next best reads? I’m so proud to know you for many reasons but especially for your generous heart. You made something great for the community and with such gusto ❤ High5 follow by a generous hug.

    I did connect to that story (maybe from your FB link) and just shook my head. The City of Leawood seems to be out-of-touch with what the world is up to. I hope they do their homework and jump on the bandwagon. What city wouldn't want to be in the forefront of a movement that encourages reading and costs them $0 dollars? The backlash may be their awakening. I hope so. Shame on the complainers for their lack of community spirit.

    I'm glad your community is celebrating you and your Little Free Library, way to go Alys! xoxoxo


  4. Congratulations for the wonderful PR about your Little Free Library!
    I have Liked and Shared Spencer’s story, and therefore, also the story of Little Free Libraries!


  5. Pingback: These are exciting times! | Boomdeeadda

  6. Wow Alys that is so cool! We have a few little libraries here in NZ but it would be no good on our street – there is very little traffic and most of it is tractors! I hope the little boy gets his library back where it should be!
    Cheers Sarah : o )


    • Sarah, I’m happy to hear you’ve seen LFL’s in your area, too. I can tell by your photos that you’re more isolated than you once were.

      As for Spencer’s library, his Facebook page climbed into the thousands, with lots of bad press for Kansas as a result. I suspect the library will be back in place, pronto. I should make a point to write an update. Thanks for your interest.


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