Succulents ♥ Heat

While I’m not a fan of the heat, the succulents sure are. Amazingly, I’m only watering them about every ten days. They look refreshed, don’t they?

Senecio Vitalis

Senecio Vitalis

Panda Plant ‘Kalanchoe tomentosa’ from Madagascar

Panda Plant ‘Kalanchoe tomentosa’ from Madagascar

assorted succulents

Echeveria agavoides *  Echeveria peacockii * Rainbow Elephant Bush Portulacaria afra ‘Variegata’

A certain feline enjoys rubbing his fluffy white cheeks along the edge of the pot. He’s probably about to whisper “how do you manage to look so good in this heat?”

mouse smells succulents

Remember to stop and smell the flowers

Felis catus

Felis catus

Thankfully,the high today is only 88 °F (31 °C ). It’s cooler still on Saturday which is such a relief. Our Little Free Library dedication is tomorrow at 3:00 so if you are in the area, please join us.

Little Free Library

Little Free Library surrounded by roses and sweet peas

Have a terrific weekend.

27 thoughts on “Succulents ♥ Heat

  1. Beautiful photos as ever Alys – I love that you keep on keeping on despite the heat and the dreaded ‘m’ word 🙂 Seeing those succulents staying moist and plump leaved despite the lack of water and the heat is encouraging is it not – proof that echeveria [and aloe-vera] is good for conditioning your skin and relieving sunburn 🙂 And of course Mouse is front and centre – does he ever go to his own home any more?

    I am looking forward to hearing about the dedication ceremony for your little free library – I am with you in spirit 🙂


  2. I am also there with you in spirit. Your library is so full of books! It looks wonderful , and I am sure the Opening will be a success.

    I love the forms of succulents. They are very sculptural.


      • It has been quite wet this year, the wettest we have known in the 4 years we’ve been here. It’s very warm (27C today – about 80F) and there is usually a thunderstorm or two. Normally it’s much
        drier and that continues through the summer, we have water shortages, very similar to your problems. The extra rain this spring has been lovely but it’s brought new issues, we’ve had to buy a lot of fungicidal spray and we’re in the process of trying to save the apple and pear trees at the moment 😦 I really need to post on my Denobears blog but I’ve been so busy writing and sending stuff away (and gardening of course!) so enthusiasm is low. I must try harder! 🙂


        • You’ve been busy, haven’t you. I have two blogs, and the idea of maintaining both of them with the same vigor went out the window long ago. There are only so many hours in the day. I like writing, and if I had less to do in a day, I would like to dedicate time to both of them.

          It’s amazing to hear you’ve had the wettest winter in 4 years. We had the warmest winter on record and one of the driest. We’ll be facing mandatory water rationing very soon.

          Sorry to hear about your trees. I hope you’re able to save them.

          Best of luck with all of it, and thank you for taking the time to comment.


  3. Clearly, succulents are the way to go for low maintenance. They surely enjoy the terra cotta pot heat too. I’ve never had much luck in Terra Cotta, things get dry really fast. Love the photo of Mouse with his widdle eyes tightly closed in the joy of a nose scratch. I must pinn that one 😀 xo
    Hey! You’ve added quotes to the doors of your LFL ! I tried to Big-a-fy but still couldn’t make them out. Soon I will need a Nasa inspired home magnifying glass to get by, LOL. Did you rubber stamp them on?
    You’re probably really busy preparing for your dedication. You’re LFL is one of the nicest constructions I’ve actually seen. Congratulation’s on your community spirit hon! Enjoy the day xoxoK


    • I’m with you, the Terra cotta pots do dry out quickly. I only have that one stack. The rest of the pots are glazed.

      You are so sweet to be pinning photos of Mouse. He has quite the following. 🙂

      I did add quotes to the doors! Again, you miss nothing. You’ll laugh, but it was done on a whim. I was cleaning out my craft supplies, and I had clear stickers with brown lettering and quotes from books. I adhered the last two to the library. They’ve stayed put, too.

      Thanks for being my cheerleader. You are so good to me, always.

      I can hardly read my phone anymore without reading glasses, and now realize I need to have multiple pairs so I can keep some in my purse, some near the bed, etc. Good old middle age. 😉


  4. Felis catus cracked me up.:) Mouse seems very happy with your planter. Your photos are wonderful and I too love succulents. I’ll give them another try in a bit. I love your LFL. Anxious to hear how the dedication goes.


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