Setting the Date: Little Free Library Dedication

Today I set the date for our Little Free Library dedication. The library, or LFL, went up in January. I shared the news by Facebook and email but didn’t do anything ‘official’. In February, the LFL listed on the global map, another fun milestone. March was our ‘rainy’ month and then we had the sprucing up of the curb garden.  So, here it is mid-April, with our dedication ceremony set for May 17th. I’m excited.

LFL evite

If you’re new to the idea of a Little Free Library, here’s the scoop:

It’s a “take a book, return a book” gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share.

The Mission of the non-profit Little Free Library movement is to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide, and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.

I’ve dedicated the LFL to Debbie Hughes Judge and Carolyn Sullivan, life-long readers and teachers. They offered support and guidance as we piloted a Books-at-Home program at our grade school, a program created to serve disadvantaged readers. They will be guests of honor at our ceremony.

We’ll serve light refreshments and give out free bookmarks to all the attendees.

What’s New in the Library:

I found tiny Beatrix Potter books at our local Target in the dollar bins. When I tried paying for them, they said the books weren’t available for sale yet, and they returned them to the stock room. Have you every heard of such a thing? I was just sure I would miss out, but through a fortunate stroke of serendipity, I found them again a month later and quickly snapped them up.

I loved these little books as a child. The originals came out between 1902 and 1922. Beatrix Potter was a woman ahead of her time, an early environmentalist responsible for preserving the beautiful Lake District in Northern England.

little free library beatrix potter

Beatrix Potter

Also new in the library, and all the way from Canada, a copy of P.D. Eastman’s Are You My Mother? Thank you, Boomdee! This book was also a favorite growing up, published in 1960, though I’m pretty sure she picked it out for the aqua cover. 🙂

Are you my mother?

A gift to the Little Free Library

She inscribed the book with the following:

The more you read,
the more you will know
The more you learn
The more places you’ll grow.
-Dr. Seuss
For Alys and her LFL

from Boomdee

Through another stroke of serendipity, my mother gave me a copy of the Dr. Seuss book she quotes from when I graduated from college.  If you’ve never read Oh, the Places You’ll Go head to your nearest library, STAT.

little free library inscription

Beautiful inscription

Please join us Saturday, May 17th at 3:00 pm for a brief dedication ceremony in front of the El Codo Way Little Free Library
Honored Guests:
Debra Hughes Judge and Carolyn Sullivan
Bring a book, take a book.
Light refreshments and a free bookmark for all attendees

The Little Free Library is constructed from reclaimed materials.  Design and build by Nick Timmermann of Timmermann Natural Landscapes

18 thoughts on “Setting the Date: Little Free Library Dedication

  1. You are the dearest (( Alys )) I’m tickled that you’ve posted about your book. You’ve seen right through my complicated and in depth book selection method, LOL. Don’t you just love Dr Seuss artwork? I peaked inside the link. I adore that green hill on the first page. It’s entirely kizmit that your mom gifted you the Seuss book with the same quote I choose. It’s one of my favourites. The connections in our lives seem to be so clear and true, I’m beginning to think there was no way we couldn’t have met and been part of each others lives. The universe is no match, it just had to give in ❤ ❤

    You've made such a cute invitation too. Did you hand write the lettering? I really like the 'y'. Drats, too bad neither 'Boomdee' or 'Petals' have a 'y' 😉 How fun to dedicate your Little Free Library to people you admire too. They must have been thrilled. I sure wish I could swing by, just to see all the joy on your sweet face and be part of the celebration. I know you'll take photo's to share, but it'd be so awesome to cheer you on from the curb garden. I miss you so much. Maybe one of the boys could do a video? Show off their techie editing skills 😀

    BTW, that is really weird about Target taking your books to the storage room. How on Earth do they stay in business? They are almost 'out of business' in Edmonton. It's not going well at all. I've gone in three times. Once to look for that Veggy Bacon I love but they didn't have it. Once to look for a bookshelf I have on Pintrest that was suppose to be on sale there, but they didn't carry it in Canada and once to buy a toaster, which I actually did. So minimal luck. Once you have a shopper in the store, it's dangerous to disappoint them because there are plenty of other places to shop….so it's senseless that they didn't attempt to accommodate you. Glad you were able to add them later, they're also one of my favourites. I still think of mice as little families 😀 xoxoxo


  2. What a wonderful thing to do – you have planned it beautifully and I am expecting it to be a day of sun and fun and seamless activity. Wish I could be there – but will be in spirit! Instead I shall look forward to hearing all about it later and seeing as many photos as possible 🙂


  3. I am so chuffed to have been invited to your opening, but I am sorry to say that I can’t attend. 😦 However, as I would love to be an Australian representative, I want to send you an Australian book to add to your library. Where can I send it to? My email address is

    Boomdeeadda’s quote is so right. The world according to Dr Seuss,


    • 🙂

      It would be so lovely to have you. And thank you so much for offering to send an Australian book. That would be delightful.

      Yes, the world according to Dr. Seuss. He was a man ahead of his time.


  4. What a great idea! And I am sure that Boomie got that book too because of the aqua color too! She is so thoughtful! I hope you have a great turnout! Wish I was closer, because I would sit under your little library and read all day long! ❤


  5. A Little Free Library! Such a fantastic idea! I’m always glad when I hear of one being set up. that Dr. Seuss book is an old favourite. I still have the copy I read to my boys and I bought one for my grandkidlets, too. When my two youngest siblings were still not in school, Mum subscribed to a book-a-month deal where she got a Dr. Seuss book every month. This was before I left home and I still remember the excitement of opening the package to see which book we had. And then reading it to the littles over and over . . . I love them all, but especially this:

    Look what we found
    in the park
    in the dark . . .
    We will take him home
    We will call him Clark . . .
    He will live at our house
    He will grow and grow . . .
    Will our mother like this?
    We don’t know . . .

    Beatrix Potter is still a favourite of mine, too. My first mother in law was born a Potter and had some connection with Beatrix. I love that my boys are connected, and through them, I consider myself linked, too. She was a marvellous woman and there is an excellent biography of her called The Tale of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane (1946).

    I like that Boomdee chose a book with aqua covers 🙂 So like her, isn’t it?

    Happy Easter, Alys!


    • Lynn, thanks so much for this newsy comment. What fun to know we have similar love of childhood books and that you, too, read them to your children and grandbabies. Dr. Seuss was brilliant as far as I’m concerned. It’s easy to forget how unique his books were when they first arrived on the scene.

      Beatrix Potter, too, was ahead of her time. We saw the movie they made of her story, with Rene Zelweger. It was a charming story, but sad too. Thanks for the recommendation.

      Yes, an aqua book was not entirely unexpected!


  6. I’m so excited for you! How thrilling to have an actual dedication ceremony. My heart will be with you and look forward to the photos. I so loved the Miss Potter movie, I bought it and watch over and over. Makes me cry every time. 🙂 What a sweet thing for Boomdee to inscribe in the Aqua book. I would hate to see that book disappear but I guess the sentiment never does. May is just around the corner!!! Holy Moly! Hugs.


    • Thank you, Marlene! I will definitely get someone to take pictures. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I like hosting gatherings, but I’m not a fan of public speaking. It will be good for me though.

      Miss Potter is a lovely movie and definitely a tear-inducer. I wish they made more films like it.


  7. Pingback: A Meeting of Libraries, Real and Imagined – Gardening Nirvana

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