Daffodil Dance

Shortly after planting my daffodil bulbs, I saw signs of digging everywhere. Little pockmarks appeared in the same random pattern as the naturalized bulbs. Foiled again!

I fluffed up the soil and hoped for the best. Surely the anonymous foragers left a few behind.

All that worry was for not. (Which is almost always true, but that is for another day). Apparently daffodils (narcissus) aren’t that tasty. I’ve since learned that it’s one of the few bulbs that even bunnies will leave alone.

All fifty bulbs came up! Ten are in bloom, with several more about to bud. I’m so cheered by these flowers.

It’s easy to see the inspiration for William Wordsworth’s poem Daffodil:

“Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.”

curb garden daffodils

Curb garden daffodils

the long view

The long view

spreading cheer

Spreading cheer

A lovely rendition of William Wordsworth’s Daffodil:

33 thoughts on “Daffodil Dance

  1. You had me worried for a bit there; glad they all were fine. They are such lovely flowers, especially in the spring. And I love your idea of a curb garden. My crafty friends have one, too. It’s so nice to create beauty and share it with all the neighbourhood, isn’t it? That’s a great picture of the daffodils up close, too. It’s been snowing on and off today and yesterday, so it was especially lovely to come here and look at your daffies , , , ~ Linne


    • Thank you, Linne. I went back and forth on the curb garden idea, and even put up a poll on my blog a year back. In the end, I went for it. Between that garden and our Little Free Library, it makes for a lovely front yard.

      Sorry to worry you over the daffodils. I just love them.

      Sorry to hear about the snow. It’s been a cold, cold winter for many of you. We’re ridiculously spoiled living in California, but we’re suffering a terrible drought.


  2. I love the last line of that poem ‘ …and then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils’ The first and the last line is about all I ever remember 🙂

    True harbingers of Spring aren’t they. I love that they take all that summer sun into their little bulbs, tuck it up in the good earth and keep it cosy all winter long and then, seemingly from nothing, leap forth in all their sunny glory to announce the imminent return of the warmer days once more. Fab-u-lous!!


    • I’m with you, Pauline. That’s what I remember too. The lines are beautiful, though. I enjoyed listening to the poem all the way through.

      There have been so many wonderful comments about daffodils on this thread. They seem to resonate with a lot of people.

      I hope you are having a good holiday. I miss you when you’re absent from blogland. xox


  3. OMG, I was sweating bullets over here thinking that something horrible happened to your Daffies. Thank God they are all ok! I know that last year we had a horrible time with some of our garden seeds being dug up and eaten, but I heard that you can bend some small holed wire to place over where the bulbs or seeds are to keep the critters out. One thing that did work for us last year in our garden, is that we cut off the bottoms of Creamora bottles and placed them over the little seedlings coming up. It kept the Chippies away! ❤ P.S. – Do you have any deer in your area?


    • Great idea covering the plants so they can establish unmolested. You have to stay one step ahead of the foragers.

      We live in the suburbs so no deer to speak of. I see them on our hikes though, and find them so beautiful. We have opossums, rats, mice, (by night) and squirrels by day.


  4. Glorious! What a view you have on display for you and your lucky neighbours too. It’s the essence of spring in one fell swoop. Plus you outwitted your wee squirrelly visitors, mwa ha ha …..O’ wait, daffodils would probably be more of a, “tee hee” 😀

    Love how they’re showing off over top of your soon to be rambunctious perennials. It’s nice having the carpet of green beneath their feet, I love that. Especially the bright yellowy-green creeper….is that some sort of thyme? LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Enjoyed the poetry too, so English! xK


  5. I too love Daffodils. I remember a neighbor on the mountain who planted so many and they came back year after year popping their little heads up through the snow. We got snow through the end of May at least. Those sweet yellow heads gave us all hope. The squirrels never seemed to touch them there either but would eat everything else. :). I love your poem and music video. I have to sit down real soon and learn how to do that. Something else to learn. Yay!


    • Marlene, what a memory. Daffodils are so hopeful, aren’t they, popping up through cold and snow and let us know that spring is indeed on the way.

      I was watching Jon Stewart the other night and he cracked about the “8 month winter”. I’m sure it must feel that way to a lot of people.

      The poem and video was not my own doing, but imbedded from a link on youtube. I can send you a quick tutorial if you are interested.



  6. Pingback: Salvage Sunday #2 – Gone But Not Forgotten | Boomdeeadda

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