Sentinel Kitty: Guarding the Garden

White kitty with gourds

Kung-Fu Fighter, leg at the ready
Guarding the Gourds

There is a terrible rumor going around. You may have heard it. It implies, in unkind terms, that cats do nothing but sleep all day. It’s simply untrue.

I know how these rumors get started. To the untrained eye, there is a kernel of truth. The reality, however is this: they’re on stealth guard. What appears as slumber is a clever ploy. Friends (and foes!!!) tiptoe around them to insure undisturbed sleep. Kitty keeps her eyes tightly closed but ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, all the while keeping a close watch on garden treasures.

The next time you see a slumbering feline, take a close look at what’s nearby. Sentinel Kitty might be guarding the Crown Jewels, or something really important, like Sacred Tulips.

Lindy guards the house plants

Lindy guards the house plants

Halt!!!  Who goes there?

Halt! Who goes there?

Black cat with tulips

Slinky Malinki, Stealth Kitty

Crown Jewels aka Tulips

Crown Jewels aka Tulips

12 thoughts on “Sentinel Kitty: Guarding the Garden

  1. My favourite kitty photo ever, Mighty Mouse is such a star…LOVE that photo. So funny with your scarfed gourds. Lindy and Slinky must have made peace, they both look totally content and relaxed. Slinky’s photo with your gorgeous tulips would look great Photoshop’d with that watercolour editing mode. It changes photo’s into paintings. I just love the black and purple together, the colour contrast is really interesting. Awwwww, kitties are the best. xK


    • Wow! I can tell you took a recent photo class. You’ve really noticed a lot of details, including composition and contrast. Love that!

      Yes, that Mouse is quite the poser, isn’t he? He just had to sit in that chair, though he didn’t fit all the way. Hard to imagine it was comfortable with that leg dangling like that, but he was snoozing away.

      Lindy and Slinky have come to a truce, but Lindy still chases Slink, given the chance. I do think it’s better though.

      Thanks for all your kind words and for the never-ending support. You are always a bright spot in my day.


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