Gardening Nirvana’s Creed: Patience, Optimism and Determination


Sweet-faced Pansy

To garden is to fail. It’s not a bad thing. You learn to flex your patience, optimism, and determination.

So it goes this week with bulbs.

This is my new gardening creed:

P – Patience
O – Optimism
D – Determination


Planting bulbs requires patience, not because they are difficult, but because you wait so long to see the results. It’s worth it. You can forget they’re there after a long, cold winter. Then spring rolls around and you see magic everywhere. Shiny green growth pushes up the soil, with a spectacular show of color to follow. It’s like a surprise party throughout the garden.


Last month I planted a dozen pansies, interspersed with snowdrops bulbs. I liked the idea of companion planting. We would enjoy these sweet flowers now, and the stunning white flowers in the spring. With luck, I might even have a bit of crossover. Pretty exciting, right?

I added a rough-textured mulch to some of the plants. I used what I had, left over from another project, but didn’t have enough to cover them all The squirrels moved in. They dug up the bulbs, and either ate them or moved them to a secret spot.


Determined squirrels go after what they want. I needed to match that determination, and raise it a notch. So, back to the garden center for another bag of mulch, more bulbs and a positive attitude.  I doubled down, too, buying 30 bulbs this time around, instead of the 10 or so I started with. All the snow drops sold out, so instead I bought a bag of crocus mix. I’ve had good luck with them in the past, which is to say, the squirrels don’t like them or can’t find them.  I’m hedging my bets, too, planting them in a variety of undisclosed spots. If you run into a squirrel, mum’s the word.

Garden Helpers

Garden Helpers
Jazzy’s Day Care Children Lend a Hand

Busy Hands

Busy Hands

6 thoughts on “Gardening Nirvana’s Creed: Patience, Optimism and Determination

  1. I’ve always loved Pansy’s. The lavender ones would pop up everywhere. My favourite though was a verity called ‘Imperial Antique’…primarily in pastel shades of light peach, mauve, lemon with rusty throats….really sweet.

    Those squirrels are really being crumby neighbours. I hope they’ve had their fill and don’t dig up your next plantings. Your garden proteges look so sweet out there. I like that you’ve taken your photo from that vantage, its like the viewer is following their garden journey too.


  2. Pingback: Gravel Mulch Muchas Gracias | gardeningnirvana

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