Portraits in the Garden: Anne Daiva Photography

Smooches for Lindy

My friend Heather often mentioned her kindred-spirit, Anne and what a talented photographer she was.  We finally met a couple of years ago at Heather’s baby shower.  Little did I know I would one day be on the receiving end of Anne’s talents.

In need of some professional head shots, I scheduled a photo shoot with Annie, who captured these photos in my garden.  She specializes in infant and early childhood photography, but was happy to offer her services to capture my…less than youthful image.  I’m so grateful.

Anne’s presence behind the camera is one of calm reassurance.  She gives wonderful cues and works hard putting you at ease.  Her mission as a photographer is as follows:

“My fulfillment of capturing people in portraits goes far beyond the love and emotion we all share. It has evolved into a journey of observing and capturing connection with each other as well as connection to this wondrous planet. While photography has always been my biggest passion and brought me endless joy, my mission has become clear. My most favorite quote is Gandhi’s “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” and I am finally doing just that. My awakening to what I can do has been sudden and substantial. Since late 2011 I have made major changes in my home life and business practices, for the times we live in call for it. I pledge to do my part for our kids generations and all future generations by living a healthy life and make conscious choices that are best for our planet.” Anne Daiva

…read more about Anne Daiva Photography here

It takes awhile to let go of your inhibitions in front of a camera.  You are literally the center of attention for over an hour.  Her style of quiet reassurance helped me relax and it got easier as time went on.

So…I have a favor to ask.  Will you take a look at the three photos, below and let me know  which photo you think best reflects Gardening Nirvana?  I’ll use the most popular photo on my site.  Please leave your vote in the comments section below.  Thank you!

(a) Alys and the Fern

(b) Alys in front of the Maple

(c) Alys looking up

47 thoughts on “Portraits in the Garden: Anne Daiva Photography

  1. Lovely, lovely photos, Alys! I like the one with you in front of the maple tree best because you look confident, healthy and you look like you’re engaging directly with whoever the viewer is.


  2. (B) Alys in front of the maple. it looks open and honest, my favourite! You look kind and an easy person to be around.
    (c) I like this one too. The colour is great and you look like a sun worshiper and one who spend time in the garden getting things done.
    and the one with the cat is lovely to use when you want to be a bit of a mystery (as you can’t see your face fully) I would put that one of the fridge for a few weeks.
    I can’t wait until you change your photo (Time to show the real you) 🙂


    • Thank you for voting and commenting. I like the image you’ve described for (c) as well, someone getting things done in the garden. The irony is that I have red hair and freckles and really have to be careful of my sun intake. But *nothing* keeps me out of the garden. I’ve been known to plant at 7 in the morning, and prune until dusk. Thanks again.


  3. I also like (A) but I think that one is more suited for family and close friends. That one (A) you should / could frame up for Christmas gifts along with the potted plants and herbs. (have I said too much? .. probably)


    • No! It’s never too much. Your are so thoughtful to comment on all of them. It’s hard to be objective when it comes to photos of yourself. It’s been so helpful already hearing everyone’s perspective.


  4. Beautiful photos Alys! I love a, I believe it captures your spirit the best…have known you for 20 yrs (sure doesn’t seem that long) your confidence, kind spirit and self assured nature comes thru and it’s perfect to have the tree behind you….love it!


  5. Those are really nice portraits-all of them!My choice would be maple tree (then fern on the second place), but the picture out of rating-cat-is so nice, too! Professional work, indeed!


    • Great analysis! Thanks for commenting and voting. I’m fascinated to hear what people see in these photos. Photo C was shot in my side yard. We were alone, but then my neighbor appeared from his back yard. I was instantly self-conscious. I bet you picked up on that.

      Thanks again!


  6. Pingback: Container Garden Update: Flowering Pots | gardeningnirvana

    • Thanks for voting, Liz. I wonder if the ads could be browser sensitive. I don’t see them when I log in from another computer, and I’ve not received comments from others. It is also strange that they’ve just started. I’m not seeing them on any of the blogs I follow either. I’ll have to pay closer attention. I’ll let you know what I find out.


  7. Ooh, I see I’ve resurfaced just in time to find this photo-voting activity. I’ve missed so much while my head was down, buried in tasks far less pleasant than viewing photos of one of my favorite people! These are all beautiful pics of you, Alys! I love them all. What a wonderful experience for you to have the special photo shoot with Anne — she did you justice!

    It’s very hard for me to choose between “a” and “b”. My immediate response was “a”, but then the more I looked at “b”, with the dappled light through the maple framing you, I started leaning toward that one. You look so natural and at ease. I think all three (four, if we count the one with Lindy)photos capture your spirit beautifully! Part of the reason I like “a” is because it shows your hands — so integral to your passion for gardening. It’s those hands which tend so lovingly to your flora.

    I see that the majority’s choice seems to be “b”, yet, I still keep going back to “a”, and will cast my vote for that one. You look perfectly at home and relaxed. I like the lighting in that one, too, and there’s something about the lattice in the background that has a comfortable appeal. By the way, Jim just walked by as I was typing this, so I solicited his opinion. He says without a doubt, “a”.

    Whichever photo you go with, I’m looking foward to seeing the new look of your blog… and catching up on reading your posts! : )


    • I’m immensely flattered that you took the time to read, ponder and vote, given all you have going on. I would hate to add to your burden in anyway.

      Thank you for your always gracious comments, too. I love what you see in the hands. I hadn’t thought of that. Several people have voted for A as well as B, the front runner. C is a distant third.

      Thanks for stopping by. My best to you and Jim.


  8. Just happened by and found that you are in the midst of a voting frenzy so thought I would join in if I am not too late. I go for A as my favorite picture but I can see why there are a lot of votes for the Maple and I would not be disappointed with either as they are both extremely good photos and I look forward to seeing your new look blog.


  9. Hard to choose, Anne did a great job (I loved her site, seems like a good soul). I like the first one, sitting in the greenery with the Lattice in the background. Lattice just screams garden to me. Can’t wait to see how it goes.


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