Blooming Thursday: Dark Shadows Waiting for the Rain

Rain is forecast for the rest of the week, but this morning it was bright and clear.  I love the shadow play on the flowers this time of year as the earth maneuvers into mid-autumn. Angled shadows and bright light equal beautiful flowers.

pink cylclamen

Pink Cyclamen

Our cool season plants are starting to bloom, and will continue to flower through March.  Prolific Azaleas and Camellias line the back fence and the side yard, with two more planted in the children’s garden.  I potted a few more cyclamen last week.  Holdovers from last year reemerged as well.



Begonias from last spring are still holding up, but we’ve not seen much cold weather.  They are in good company in the Hodgepodge pot, a planter for misfits.  When I end up with the odd annual, or a small plant in need of relocating, I plant them there.  I love the variety and an always-full pot outside our bedroom window.



California Poppies, white Begonias and pink Cosmos passed through the Hodgepodge this year, as well as yellow Snapdragons, a small pumpkin and a few assorted wildflowers. I’ve really enjoyed the variety, not to mention a dedicated space for the odd plant.

Coming Soon

white camellia bud

Camellia Bud

Abutilon Buds

Abutilon Buds

White Camellia Bud

White Camellia Bud

Fingers crossed that the rain arrives on schedule tomorrow.