Loving Cats, Real and Imagined

I’ve always loved cats. I like their grace and intelligence, their independence and there warm and affectionate ways. I love all animals, but I grew up with cats and they’ve remained a constant in my life. When you have a soft, mushy heart, one cat often turns into two…or three or a number you’re embarrassed to say out loud. No one wants to be labeled the “crazy cat lady.”

So perhaps it’s not a surprise that this beautiful bit of green moss growing in the garden looks just like a cat.


Look closely at the garden wall


Mossy cat bending over for a drink

I adore the bright green spongy texture of moss. It reminds me of romantic period movies, pixies and garden fairies. I’ve never seen a mossy cat though, so I’m feeling quite special. The green goddess of gardens has graced my garden wall.




46 thoughts on “Loving Cats, Real and Imagined

    • I rescued a dog last week. We bonded instantly. I also walk with my friend Karen and her dog Dylan once a week, and we too are wonderfully connected. We only have two cats right now, three if you count the mossy one. A few years ago I was feeding six: two strays, two of our own, and two from the neighborhood, one neglected, and the other just liked to stop by for the day. He was 22, frail, and smelled like an old cat that stopped bathing, but oh how we loved Mr. Cat. Sadly, our Fluffy, 17 and Mr. Cat, 22, died within eight weeks of each other. Beijing died two years ago and we lost Slinky last year, poor dear. What’s your dog(s) name, Karen?


  1. That’s definitely a tiny green puss intently watching something… I love most cats, but some of them have very demanding personalities – and one of them is going to be a house-guest whilst my MIL is on a cruise for 6 weeks. I hope we survive the constant yowling which is this cat’s trademark. Green puss, by contrast, will be extremely peaceful 🙂


    • Some of them can be quite demanding. They know what they want and they’ll work hard to get it. Our Lindy is mellow and easy going, but Mouse the Cat, named by a neighbor, can be quite persistent. It’s good of you to care for your MIL’s puss. A six week cruise sounds like a trip of a lifetime. Is the cat a Siamese? They tend to be remarkable vocal cats. Best of luck.


  2. How wonderful that it is an indication that there is another cat coming into your life! Many years ago I decided that I was going to get a cat. It seemed like there was a Central Committee of Cats, because I had a few cats around the place. one even poked its nose into the back door. Then a announcement in the school newsletter: ” Kittens free to a good home”. I am sure the Central Committee was checking me out to see if I provided a suitable home for a kitten! I actually got two free kittens, which then lead to a couple of strays eventually adopting me. The most I had at one time was three. 🐈 🐈 🐈

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anne, what a delightful story. The Central Committee of Cats sounds quite official. I’m glad to hear your passed muster and that two kittens and a couple of strays came home with you. Are you ever tempted to draw or paint their likeness? I’m sure you would turn out gorgeous pieces.


  3. What a blessing! That’s about the only kind of cat I’d be able to have currently. My husband is allergic, other wise I’d have at least one to add to my menagerie!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s interesting how many folks are allergic to cats. I guess it’s the dander that causes the sneezing and watery eyes. What a shame. But since you used “menagerie” in your sentence, it sounds like you’re well surrounded by animal love.


  4. Looks like the Fairies had an artistic moment in the garden. Something to bring you cheer till spring gets here. We didn’t have animals growing up. Definitely not cats. Mom was afraid of them. But I’m an animal lover through and through. Until you turn crazy, you are just a through and through cat lover. 😉


  5. I love that mossy cat and, yes, I’m sure it’s a sign of some sort.
    I was a dog person with a liking for cats but, as I get older, I’m seeing a preference for cats sneaking in which is just as well because I am always been found by strays and, if I lived alone, would probably definitely be known as ‘the crazy cat lady’.
    =^..^= + =^..^= + =^..^= + =^..^= + =^..^= + =^..^=


    • I’m sorry to hear that you can’t have any pets. What a shame. I’ve lived in a few places like that over the years. It makes you appreciate the cat cafes in Japan, that allow you to sip your coffee or tea while petting a cat. Fascinating concept, though its hard to picture it in reality.


  6. I too love cats. Our last cat died about a year ago and as much as I loved her I am not anxious for another. We have a lovely golden named Wrecker who keeps me busy and happy. He really is a great guy. Enjoy all your cats, including the mossy one.


    • Thank you, Amy. I’m sorry to hear your lost your kitty last year, but happy to know that a certain golden keeps you happy and by the name of him, on your toes!

      Guess what? Kelly and I are heading to DC in April with a visit to Julia. Will be get to meet you then?


  7. Pingback: A Cure for the Blahs | insearchofitall

  8. Well, you know I love this! What a perfect little serendipitous feline, to hang out with your real ones! I wish I could figure out how to make moss grow in ways I wanted it to–I would make a garden full of moss kitties!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We just lost our cat of 17 years. I keep thinking I see her…walked into the bedroom and there was a black shirt piled there that gave me a start. We say no more but all of our cats have found us and how do you turn that down?


    • Rickii, I’m slow to reply, but wanted to say my heart goes out to you. I remember every cat that graced our paths. They work there way into your heart and that as they say is that. I’m sure your next furry friend is just around the corner. Meanwhile, take time to heal from your painful loss.


  10. The green goddess of gardens ‘planted’ this special surprise in the perfect place! She knew that Alys would notice, treasure, and care for this special kitty. 🙂 It is the perfect silhouette and right on-trend, sporting the Color of the Year ~ Greenery! Enjoy your new, furry visitor, my friend! It would be a lovely addition to my garden, since real kitties cause sneezing and watery eyes. Alys, I love that you were present and mindful enough to notice this special, little gift of nature! What a treasure you are, sweet Alys! ♡


  11. Pingback: It’s Kind of a Long Story – Gardening Nirvana

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