The Reveal: Teen Bedroom to Restful Guestroom in Ten Days

In case you missed yesterday’s post, you can catch up here.

I’ve been turning my teenage son’s bedroom into a guest room over the past ten days. He’s away at college and Boomdee is coming to town.

Boomdee’s needs are simple: coffee, toast, and a sea of aqua. I’m pretty sure she’ll love this room since she unwittingly helped decorate it. If you’re a regular around here, you’ll recognize several small touches as well. It’s a bit of a bloggers hall of fame.

Without further ado, here’s the reveal.

guest room doorway view

Completed Guest Room

guest room bed and banner after

Guest Room Alternate View

Touches of green, blue and pink worked well with the existing yellow walls. It’s a cheerful room. William Morris says “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” I share this advice with my clients and try to live it day-to-day. As I pulled items from different rooms it all came together seamlessly.

The benefit of an adjustable closet system is that it’s easily reconfigured when needs change. Growing up, the boys needed shelves to store games, books and toys. To covert the closet for guests, I simply removed the shelves and reinstalled a hanging bar. The back of the closet needs a bit of TLC but I didn’t have time to paint. Instead I papered the damaged wall with a roll of gift wrap.

closet before

Closet: Shelves removed exposing damaged wall

guest room closet after collage

Transformed closet

This simple solution, though cheap, proved to be more challenging. The narrow opening of the closet and the cramped quarters inside made it a challenge. I used 3M spray adhesive and regret it. It’s too sticky to use on thin paper and made re-positioning nearly impossible. We used one roll for the top 80%, and an entire second roll just trying to align the pattern for the bottom 20%. Lessons learned. That said, I like the way it turned out. I just don’t think I’ll do it again.

blogger hall of fame

Blogger Hall of Fame

The spirit of blogging touches almost every room in our home. It was fun bringing all my treasures together in one room. Here’s the line up:

A: Photo album of our blogging trip to DC (Life on the Bike)
B: Dear Opl by Shelley Sackier
C: Play In the Garden by Sarah O’Neil and The Good Life, also by Sarah O’Neil (Sarah the Gardener)
D: Vintage mannequin a gift from Marlene at In Search of It All
E:  Craft it Forward heart pin from Diane at Garden Sunshine
F: Boomdee, Boomdee, Boomdee
G: Postcards of Pauline King’s original art (The Contented Crafter)
H: Postcard from Julia at Defeat Despair
I: Crafting goodness from Petals at Boomdeeadda
J: Creatively clever doodle art calendar by Robin Gott of The Forsyth Sagas

guest room before and after window view

Before and After view from the window

gurest room facing door view before and after

Before and after view from the closet

guest room closet after towels

Guest room closet details

guest room airmail letters

A bit of vintage

One of the many things we have in common is our love of vintage. I picked up a handful of vintage air mail envelopes from my friend Donna’s Greenhouse Supply booth at Antique Row. I wonder if Boomdee will write a letter and send it back in time?


Shopping bag decor:  whimsical decorating for a song

I picked up a couple of aqua gift bags, then added photos and ephemera. The postcard is a gift from Julia at Defeat Despair. It’s a collage of photos from our blogging get-together earlier this year in DC.


How could I resist? An aqua trash can in the shape of a petal.

An aqua-colored, petal shaped trash can. Be still my heart. The chess board does a great job hiding old phone lines that one day must go.


Customized train case, a birthday gift from Boomdee.

The little bird is actually a pen, nesting in a small ceramic bowl a classroom art project from my youngest son.

Ikea bench covered with tea towel

Ikea bench covered with a charming tea towel, also a gift from Boomdee.

Another Boomdee Treasure: I covered this worn IKEA bench with a bird motif tea towel, then tacked the corners to keep it in place.

guest room washi tape lamp

I trimmed these IKEA lamp shades with postage stamp Washi tape from my stash. The stamps work well with the travel motif.

guest room floor after

Foot warmer

Never mind that the heat wave continues. The mornings are cool so a gal needs a place to warm her toes as she slips out of the bed to rustle up some coffee and toast.


I added Washi tape to the top and bottom of the lamp shade. The bird quote is a page from the same calendar used for the bunting/banner

You guessed it: another gift from Boomdee.


The perfect nightstand.

I found this table at an import store for under $90. It’s lightweight, easily movable and slides over the top of the bed, the perfect table for this cramped space.

wall decal

I’m hoping for a chance to dance in the rain this winter

I’m ready. I’m ready to dance in the rain. Truly.

guest room view plants

Room with a view: succulents line the fence

Boomdee arrives midday tomorrow. Her room is ready. Crazy fun times lie ahead.

48 thoughts on “The Reveal: Teen Bedroom to Restful Guestroom in Ten Days

  1. I came straight over so as not to miss a thing …… and my goodness you sure have made a stunning job, all those little details are quite wonderful and so many blogging friends well represented too – Boomdee is one lucky girl and will feel right at home in that space for sure!

    I have often wondered what kind of a job wrapping paper would do – at one stage I was thinking about using it for a faux headboard type thing and then backed out at the last minute. Reading about your wardrobe now I am glad I made that decision. The wall looks stunning but I hear you on the matching part and flimsy part.

    I hope you two – no belay that, I KNOW you two will have a wonderful week together and I hope that your foot holds up for it! While my heart is so happy for you both there is just a little bit of me that wishes I could pop by for a few hours to join the fun ………… Have a happy, happy, happy time xoxo

    Liked by 5 people

    • Now at the Edmonton Gate to board my flight. I sure do wish you were doing the same Pauline! I still think we could manage it and that would be positively awesome xoxoxo. You’re so right, Boomdee is a lucky *lucky* girl ❤

      Liked by 3 people

    • You tickle me, Pauline. Thank you.

      We did indeed have a wonderful time including our wonderful Skype with you and Laurie. What a joy. I treasure those times and must make time for more of them.

      I’m glad I tried the gift wrap approach, but I would not do it again. You were wise to avoid it all together. The busy pattern will hide the imperfections, but it’s no substitute for real wall paper or fabric.

      It would have been wonderful to have you here with us as well, Pauline. What fun we’ve had when we’re all together. xoxooxoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A fabulous make-over Alys! You would never guess this was a teenage boy’s room until recently. It looks fresh and welcoming and all those lovely treasures can finally be displayed too! Have fun with your visitor! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Cathy, thanks so much. We had a great time together, and as usual the time flew. It was good to have a nice, fresh room for her stay and fun to turn it around in a short period of time with a few knew items, along with on-hand treasures. Let me know if you’re headed this way…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, YES, the big reveal! I love it. I especially love the way you have incorporated your loving blogging world/friends. Boomdee may want to stay over forever. 🙂 By the way, when did you say you were setting up your international consultancy? I have a room which needs a makeover. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so cute! I would love to consult on any room and in fact came up with some ideas for a friend with a tiny flat in England, a continent away once upon a time. It was really fun.

      It was such a joy pulling together so many of my blogging treasures into that room. I thought about each person as I did, how we connected, what they write about. Its a charmed world. Who knew blogging would lead to such treasured friends?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, what a beautiful room! Yet still not too girly to turn back into your son’s bedroom in the holidays – just a case of changing the bed linen, isn’t it? What a thoughtful and practical way of displaying your blog related treasures too. Now I know how to display the pack of Pauline’s postcards you sent me – on a length of cord. They’re too nice to actually use so this is an excuse to keep them all. I love the metallic wrapping paper, well worth the effort and stress. Fantastic transformation!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And I agree, not too girly. Once he’s back home with his favorite blanket and a computer, it’s just a hop skip and a jump back to young man.

      I love your idea of stringing Pauline’s cards on a length of cord. That’s brilliant. I hope you’ll blog about it if you do.

      Thanks for cheering me on. I really appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I almost teared up reading this. How sweet and also powerful the relationships you have built with blogging women. 🙂 So many lively touches–all so Boomdee. My favorite has to be the bedspread. No, the closet wall trick. No, all if it! Have fun with your visitor!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are so dear. I treasure these relationships and consider myself fortunate to have found so many incredible women through blogging. It’s extraordinary.

      Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I thought a lot about you when I was transforming the room. Though not at the level of your amazing transformations, it was still a lot of fun.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yay! The big reveal!! What a wonderful transformation, Alys! I just love all of your sweet, little touches and your treasured mementos from blogging friends. The postage stamp washi tape on your lampshade is the perfect touch! It would be such fun to read the books on your bookshelf. I just know I would enjoy them! Have a wonderful time together, sweet Alys!! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dawn, thank you for your lovely comments. It would be fun to compare books as I’m sure we have many in common.

      I had so much fun adding Washi tape to the lampshades. It added some interest and made them stand out more from the wall. The postage stamp theme worked well, and I had it on hand so it all felt serendipitous.

      I was thinking of you last week, as I sat down to use my new craft items, a gift from dear Boomdee. I wanted to follow your lead and use them right away…and I did. I think that idea of yours is so clever.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So happy that you had some creative time with your new craft supplies, Alys! It has been so helpful to place my new supplies into my Inspiration Box right away. It reminds me to use them on new cardmaking projects, before putting them into my stamp drawers, where they might be forgotten. It’s just a little thing ~ but it really helps me remember to use my new supplies! ♡


  7. Good Morning sweet, sweet Alys!! Look at my little nest, it’s sumptuous, whimsical, happiness inducing and down-right adorable. Not unlike you. It’s just like you to go to the nth degree to make everything wonderful for me, thank you so much for all your creativity, hard work and time on your poor foot. I feel royally spoilt and I haven’t even left the Edmonton airport yet. BTW, I’m 100% A-ok to travel since I was luckily, randomly selected for the full meal security deal. LOL.
    Ooooo, boarding now! More from LAX xoxoxo

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh my gosh, has it really already been 15 days since I gathered you at the airport and whisked you away to antiques and falafels?

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the room. I had a terrific time making everything just so, thinking about you as I added the finishing touches. How does it feel to be the inaugural guest? I should have an honorary seal made for the occasion.

      The travel days are always crazy, but a necessity to get where we want to go. I’m so grateful you like to travel as much as I do so we can spend these times together.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good Morning Lovely Lady, smooch.

        I can hardly believe I’ve been back for a week now. Today I can actually do whatever I want and it’ll include a catch up here with you and other friends and maybe even a post.
        Am I honoured to be first? I’m both honoured and amazed that such a nice family welcomes me to their home and treats me like royalty. You make me feel so loved. No worries about the travel days, “to the moon and back” I say and I mean it.Everything was perfect Alys! As my little art project hinted at, “I don’t take this time for granted”. Truly, you are 1 in a million and I’m really lucky to be in your orbit. Love you dearly, K x ❤


        • Hello there! It’s afternoon now, almost evening for you. I hope you’ve enjoyed your day. I’m reading and re-reading your words and once again counting my lucky stars for your presence. We loved having you stay with us and look forward to many more years of visits. I hope we can make Victoria a reality one day. It’s a wonderful place to park my dreams.

          I love your art piece and just glanced at it after reading your words. (I really should get up out of my chair right now and get the hammer and a nail). Its funny how the simple things often take the longest to accomplish. The more likely scenario would be me heading to the garage for a hammer, encounter Mouse, passing out some treats, noticing something on the floor and hours later, still no hammer and nail. Ha! Do you ever do that?

          Love you to pieces. xox

          Liked by 1 person

          • No, I never do that……..HA, I lie! I’m the worst for straying from a plan. I can get sidetracked in a heartbeat. I have magazines at my bedside and often will take time to browse one while I’m suppose to be making the bed. My morning coffee usually gets microwaved several times because I’m off to do who knows what.

            I’m so happy you fancy that little art piece. I bought a new water-colour book today and a pan of watercolour paints. I like messing around with that stuff. There’s so much inspiration at every turn. Everyone’s an artist in some regard, whether it’s setting a nice table, planting a fetching garden, decorating a home or messing with paints. Like the birdies I love so much, I’m a real nester. I could never live with sparseness, ultra modern, clinical, clean look. I want to be surrounded by warm memories and gentleness. Things that catch your eye and make you smile, that’s what I need in my nest. xox ❤ It was fun hanging in your little nest all week, it felt like home. xoxo


  8. What a wonderfully welcoming room! Anyone would love to visit and maybe stay too long in that beautiful space. You did a great job with it. Looking forward to the details of your visit. You could collect all those wonderful little things into a tub when your son comes home on holidays and put them back when he’s back in school. Mix and match according to the guest. 🙂 Hugs to you both.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hello, Marlene-a-go-go! Thanks for the hugs, I can feel that love, let’s hug it out ((( squish ))) That’s me giving you the bear hug. xoxo Having a wonderful, spectacular, sparkling time with my BFF. Today included Eggs Bene, Vintage shop, new dress (I wore out of the store) new boots (ditto) probably two dozen pieces of salt water taffy (feeling a little full) Italian dinner out with the boys and more. Of course there was a Starbucks in there too. Whew! and tomorrow Alys is a birthday girl!! OMGosh, I’m having a riot. Love to you xoxoxB

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Marlene. I like the idea of gathering things into a bin when my son is home for longer stays. So many of his things remain in the room (all of his books, his Snoopy, etc. but he’s really never been into stuff, so I wonder what those visits will bring. It was nice this week to decorate one of the shelves with my collection of pumpkins. Correction: my son’s collection of pumpkins from his Halloween hay day. He’s given away most of the smaller, plastic items, but I’ve hung on to a few gems. It’s fun to have an extra shelf to line up with Halloween treasures.

      I know Halloween isn’t one of your best times of year. I hope the season is kind to you this year. A nice downpour would be a special treat. xox

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Laurie. I really had fun with this room. It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to do something like this. I was thinking about the pretty guest room we stayed in at your house, with those gorgeous, hand-embroidered bedspreads. What a treat, all of it!


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