Dear Opl: I Love You

dear Opl-001My pre-ordered copies of Dear Opl arrived this week. It was great fun opening the box. I finally had my hands on this gem of a book, penned by Shelley Sackier of Peak Perspective.

My 15-year-old son asked why I ordered so many copies. “Because I know the author,” I gushed, to which he replied, “Yeah, but why do you need so many copies of the same book?”

More about that in a bit.

I discovered Shelley’s blog a few years ago and quickly became a fan. She’s an extraordinary writer, who weaves humor and smarts into a variety of essays published weekly. When I belly up to my computer and settle in for a good read, I know I’ll be entertained. I’m also there to learn. Each week I try to absorb that special something that makes her an engaging writer. When my blog grows up it wants to be just like Peak Perspective.

On the subject of Peak Perspective, Shelley’s blog title

was born of both sight and wordplay. [She] lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Through a series of serendipitous events several of my fellow bloggers met Shelley on her “peak” earlier this year. She graciously hosted four women she’d never met for a magical gathering of spirited conversation.

If time travel were possible, I would give a copy of this book to my younger self. Like Opl, my father died when I was young leaving a gaping hole in our lives. Like Opl, I turned to junk food for comfort and solace.  And though our mother was a wonderful cook, once faced with the task of working full-time and raising three girls on a budget, much of our food came from packages, too, just like Opl. My life in those days felt hopeless. Opl learns a healthier way to be in the world. She discovers ways to nurture and be nurtured and in doing so discovers her own voice.

Here’s what the book jacket says:

There are three things Opl never expected to do during the eighth grade:

  • Start a vendetta against celebrity chef Alfie Adam, the “nude Food Dude”
  • Take yoga classes with her grandpa
  • Become a famous blogger

But after a year of shrinking down her personality to compensate for the fact that her body’s getting bigger (like taking the “a” out of Opal to make her name 25% smaller), Opl thinks it’s about time to begin speaking up again What she doesn’t expect is for everyone to actually start listening…

Sharing the Love

Would you like a copy of Dear Opl for your own library? Do you know a young teen that would enjoy “a brilliant story with heart, a few tears and much laughter.” -Kathryn Erskine

I’ve purchased several copies, including a few for our neighborhood Little Free Libraries. If you would like one, please let me know in the comment below. Once I have a tally, I’ll start mailing copies next week.*

*Fine print/lawyer talk: This offer remains open through midnight, August 14, 2015 PST. One copy per household please.



45 thoughts on “Dear Opl: I Love You

  1. It’s such fun to discover a new author and blogger! Thanks so much, Alys, for introducing me to Shelley and Peak Performance. I love the message of her book! It will make a real difference in the lives of so many teen girls. Wishing Shelley much success with her upcoming novels, too! ♡


    • Dawn, isn’t this blogging world amazing? I’m glad you popped over to read Shelley’s posts. I’m tickled pink that she wrote this book and hope schools will pick it up for classroom reading. I’m delivering a copy next week to a friend and 5th grade teacher. Exciting.

      Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Maria sounds perfect. Please send me your address using my private contact form and I’ll put a copy in the mail soon. Thanks for your interest in the book and for your readership as well. You’re the best


  2. Gosh Alys – a heart at least 25% bigger than normal! You are such a kind and generous soul – a benefactor and a patron of the arts and you never cease to astound me with your kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. I did not pre-order Opl, I thought to wait until it hits these shores and then I’ll pick up a copy……… We have to read it right? It’s always such a kick to read a book written by someone whom you have a connection to – and Shelley has such a wonderful persona and humour and depth and intention with this story – I just know it will be well received! xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

    • Pauline! xoxoxoxox

      I would love to mail you a copy, but if you want to support your local bookstore (more about that in Shelley’s book) I understand and support that as well. You can let me know via the contact form, above.


  3. I’ve put it in my cart at Amazon. Hard copy of course. I shall peruse it first then see if I have a great niece that would like to read it. I will pop over to Peak at Shelly’s Perspective in a moment. Anything with humor related will be a welcome treat. You are such a good friend to your friends. But of course they know that. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hugs to you, too, Marlene. I’m tickled that you’ve already placed a copy in your ‘cart’ and know you’ll enjoy it. She covers a lot of the issues you and I have discussed over the years. You’ll love Peak Perspective. In addition to her fabulous writing week after week, Robin Gott illustrates the funniest drawings to match her words. It really is a treat.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Leave it to you to buy up so many copies (( Alys )). You’re a dear girl. Shelley will be thrilled. I’m really happy for her to have things going so fab with her writing. Shelley’s so warm and gracious and a fantastic writer too. I have no doubts this will be the first of many books. I feel rather rotten for not keeping up with her blog, I sure loved our visit that day. I must get organized and pop in on her soon. I do love the styling on the cover, that’s rather clever and it’s my two favourite colours too, ha. xoK

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have your copy waiting for your visit early this fall. Boy that sounds good, doesn’t it?

      We’re all busy and I know that any one who’s been blogging long enough knows that it takes a lot of time to stay connected in all the places we want.

      It is a clever cover. It really suits the book.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Alys, you’ve written so beautifully about Shelly and Opl. I could never have done as well and so I’m going to reblog this post. That way I can help to give to give Shelly, Opl, AND you, a little extra love!


  6. Okay. Whew! I can’t believe that this day can get any better, but Alys, you’ve blown the top off of it. Today was my book launch. We sold out of books. Wahoo!! And now to read that you have made California a great deal heavier with the weight of my “weighty” words? I might as well die right now because I think this is as good as it’s supposed to get for me.
    I want to squish you and every one of your kind readers for being so supportive.
    I’m pretty sure I’ve picked out the arm where I’m going to place my “I ❤ Alys" tattoo. Oh, hell, I might just put them on both arms.
    ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • You sold out of books!!!!! I’m not at all surprised but hot dang, what a banner of a day. I’m so excited for your, Shelley, and for all the readers that bought your book. Where did you hold the book launch?

      Yes, California is awash in copies of Dear Opl. I pre-ordered online, then cleaned out our local Barnes and Noble. Hicklebees is placing an order (one of our few remaining independent book sellers) I’m sending them an email to encourage the purchase of more books.

      Tattoos! You are so funny.


      • I’d happily give you the details of the book launch, but Chloe has made me swear to let her write a blog post about it. That child was nearly dragging people in off the streets and stopping their cars in the parking lot in order to get them to come in and buy a book.
        I’m going to owe her extra food this week.


  7. Alsy,

    I missed this originally so if you are out of book, no worries. If you have any more copies I would love to read it and share it with the girls-sounds like a perfect fit (although they will no doubt finish it first!) Hope to see you soon!! XOXOXO


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