Summer So Soon

Alas, spring has given way to summer. In my youth, summer meant a break from school, sleeping in, and sometimes a chance to swim in a neighborhood pool. Those are bygone days, not just the loss of youth but the unrelenting heat, smog, and wildfires that are all too common in California in this age of climate change.

I raced to finish planting the curb garden this week, then dressed it with three inches of garden mulch to retain water. I’ll miss the cooler days of spring and the chance of a rain shower. The next four months will be hot and dry.

Following is a gallery of photos taken on or near the summer solstice.

Garden succulents (they don’t mind the heat):

Flowers in bloom include wild Iris, abutilon, hydrangea, and nasturtiums.

It’s time to shift my interests to indoor activities, like card-making, reading, and puttering around the house between client appointments. The garden is such a draw, though. I’ll step out to do something small and realize an hour or two has passed. Life among the greenery and dirt is soothing and joyous.

Garden views, garden greens: Patio table, garden swing, garden bench, and fence line.

I celebrate every inch of green, along with every drop of water that comes our way.