Summer So Soon

Alas, spring has given way to summer. In my youth, summer meant a break from school, sleeping in, and sometimes a chance to swim in a neighborhood pool. Those are bygone days, not just the loss of youth but the unrelenting heat, smog, and wildfires that are all too common in California in this age of climate change.

I raced to finish planting the curb garden this week, then dressed it with three inches of garden mulch to retain water. I’ll miss the cooler days of spring and the chance of a rain shower. The next four months will be hot and dry.

Following is a gallery of photos taken on or near the summer solstice.

Garden succulents (they don’t mind the heat):

Flowers in bloom include wild Iris, abutilon, hydrangea, and nasturtiums.

It’s time to shift my interests to indoor activities, like card-making, reading, and puttering around the house between client appointments. The garden is such a draw, though. I’ll step out to do something small and realize an hour or two has passed. Life among the greenery and dirt is soothing and joyous.

Garden views, garden greens: Patio table, garden swing, garden bench, and fence line.

I celebrate every inch of green, along with every drop of water that comes our way.

21 thoughts on “Summer So Soon

    • Our climates are quite different. I long for rainy days, whereas you are problem good and fed up with rain most of the time. I’m just not cut out for the heat; the smoke from fires is bad for everyone. I hope you get more sunshine, Lynn.


  1. I’m surprised that you have nasturtiums. Aside from the fact that I think the wild violets have killed mine, they don’t seem to like summer here as it is normally dry.


  2. I always like scenes from your garden. So refreshing after this high desert view. We received a short break from the heat this week. Monsoon season is off with a whimper but at least the cloud cover hand a bit of humidity are helping. It’s interesting how our concern is during the summer months because we all know the risks. I don’t even sew in the middle of the day because lights and machines create heat. Looking forward to seeing what new cards you create. I love them all. Stay cool.


  3. We’re in our rainiest month but I’m certain they’ll be days that are too hot. Today, it was 25C but it’s currently raining outside. This is the normal. Warmish day followed by a thunder storm. Even 25C or 77F feels too warm for me. My garden requires little maintence but I generally head out really early to water if the days forecast will have heat. In Calgary, they are banned from yard water right now due to the failure of a giant/important pipe. It’s an early warning that infrastructure is aging. They’re in for possible 4 more weeks of major restrictions. Growing anything, especially food is changing in a major way, worldwide.


  4. You have a beautiful succulent collection. I’m crossing my fingers the fires are few and easily controlled this year, but like here, I think that may be a vain hope. It’s still winter here, but they’re already putting out the fire-season advisements online.


    • Sadly this is our new reality. Predictions are grim, and the worst of it is still months away. Sigh.

      I’ve grown fond of succulents over the past several years, and I’m learning new things, too. The biggest surprise has been all the different ways that they flower.

      Liked by 1 person

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