A Tale of Two Artists

Perhaps you’ve already met.

Just in case, allow me to introduce two of my favorite artists, Anne Lawson and Pauline King.

Sometimes you fall in love with an artist’s work, knowing little about the artist themselves. In this case I fell in love with the artists through blogging, then discovered their work.

Earlier this year, Anne shared one of her recent creations on Instagram: the gorgeous pumpkin you see below. It’s painted with watercolors, then over-stitched with a variety of threads. It’s stunning and it’s mine!  I framed the piece using a floating glass frame without a mat, so that I can enjoy the piece front and back.

I connected with Anne’s blog many years ago. She’s a botanical artist living in Australia, a retired teacher and a wonderful soul. I’ve enjoyed watching Anne’s work evolve. She’s always trying new things. As a life-long lover of botanical art, I’ve really enjoyed learning about Anne’s process.

Anne describes herself as “a Melbourne based artist, who is inspired by the natural world. [Her] small art works are available in [her] Etsy shop.”

Anne blogs at Anne Lawson Art. She also publishes a fortnightly newsletter which you can subscribe to here.

Here’s a photo of it framed and hanging on my home office/craft room wall.

Anne Lawson Art: Mixed Media Pumpkin

Pauline King dabbles in a number of mediums. She’s a painter, a crafter and a mixed-media artist. Those who follow Pauline are familiar with her gorgeous light catchers, personalized to the receiver with colored beads, glass and charms. They’re bouncing light in homes across the globe. You can see more of Pauline’s work in The Contented Crafter’s shop.

The beautiful and ethereal piece you see below came from Pauline’s heart.

She created it for my sister whom she’s never met, but of course has been hearing about for years. When Sharon received the piece, she exclaimed “it’s as if she knows me!”  Sharon loves Halloween, witches, cats and purple so you can imagine her delight when she opened it.

Since she was redoing her floors, Sharon asked me to hold this for safe keeping, and of course I happily obliged.  Today I picked it up from the frame shop and will return it to my sister this week.

Pauline King’s gift to my sister Sharon: The Wise Woman

Sharon originally wanted to frame it in black, but when she read Pauline’s blog and saw the piece on a white tray, she decided to frame it in white instead.

Sharon also decided to base this year’s Halloween costume on The Wise Woman. Stay tuned for pics.

Meanwhile, here is a lovely quote from George Sand:

The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart.


33 thoughts on “A Tale of Two Artists

  1. Oh Alys I am so overwhelmed by your beautiful tribute! And to be included with Pauline, who is such a generous, and perceptive, soul. That she was able to create the perfect painting for your sister shows how in tune she is with others.
    I am delighted that the pumpkin delights you. You have found the perfect frame for it, and I am tickled that you wanted to see the back as well. The backs of these sewing works create an abstract, almost ghost painting!
    How are you coping without your sons at home? The cats must be loving all the extra cuddles!
    Thank you Dear Friend xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Anne I’m delighted to share your beautiful work with others here and in my home. I’ve enjoyed our friendship over these years, too, and hope to meet in person one day soon. Australia is on “the list.”

      I like your description of the back of the piece as a ghost painting. It seemed a shame to cover that with a regular frame. I’m so pleased this worked.

      It was strange when both boys were suddenly gone. The house was eerily quiet and empty. I’ve had a chance to visit with both of them, though, and that really helps. It’s also wonderful to have quiet, private time with Mike once again. The kitties all love the attention from us and it’s wonderful that they get along with each other too.


  2. Oh dear – blub, blub, blub…… You are so sweet and say the nicest things and I am so very touched…… of course I am delighted that Sharon likes it so much – wouldn’t it have been awful if she’d hated it 😀 And I’m in such fine company too – the gorgeous real art of the lovely Anne. Couldn’t we have all foretold that if she painted and then stitched a pumpkin you would have been in a delirium of love and totally convinced it was meant for you. I would love to see it, I’m sure it is stunning. I biggified your photo so I could see the stitching – I can clearly see the process Anne has used and it is not only many hours of work, but also shows a good eye and a steady hand. It’s wonderful.

    I totally agree with your quote from George Sand -(Did you know ‘he’ is really a (French) woman? In order to get her works published she wrote under this nom-de-plume back in the middish 19th C. For all the things we still have to bear as women, at least tat is no longer part of the deal.) I feel extremely blessed to have been given these years of retirement when I can make and gift and send light and love out into the world. I’m very fortunate!

    Thank you for the unexpected and totally delightful applause – you’re the best! xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I love Anne’s rendering of the pumpkin. It almost looks like stitching on the pumpkin. Beautiful. I’ve loved the wise woman since Pauline first started on it. I’m delighted it ended up with Sharon. You get to enjoy it a little too. I love how you’ve framed it. I think it’s my second favorite of Pauline’s. The one I have that says “choose joy” is my first favorite. Both artists have done their job here and thank Pauline for that bit of information on George Sand.


    • Hi Marlene! Anne’s pumpkin is beautifully painted and then stitched with different colored thread. It’s done with refined perfection. I wish you could see it in person. The thread is subtle, since she used a variety of color close to her color palette.

      I love Pauline’s Wise Woman and feel she captured Sharon’s spirit in the piece. Xo

      Liked by 1 person

  4. As I sit here reading your post, I can look up and see two of Anne’s feather drawings, and they never fail to make me smile. Anne is a woman of acute observation and talent, and we are lucky to have her in our world. I don’t know Pauline’s work, but I shall go and check it out now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a generous post! These two artists/bloggers/friends deserve all the compliments you pay them, for their artworks and their all-round excellence as human beings! (And why am I not surprised that you had to have that pumpkin?!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Kerry. What a lovely thing to say. All-round excellence as human beings is true.

      You’re right of course: the pumpkin simply had to fly over here so I can celebrate Anne’s work and pumpkin greatness all year long. 🙂


    • Thank you, Amanda! It’s been a quieter lead up to Halloween this year with my number one Halloween fan off at university. That said, I’ve been able to decorate in a more modest style, here and at the Lifted Spirits boutique. It all makes me happy.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oooh, lucky you and your sister are to have these beautiful, unique pieces. And what a lovely shout-out too to the artists! Your eye for beauty and generosity are inspiring, dear Alys.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your friends are so talented! I love the pumpkin picture made especially for you Alys. So fitting. And the mix of paint and ink in Sharon’s picture is fascinating. How lucky you found them through blogging! 🙂


  8. How fun to have such a stunning piece of work from someone you adore and who’s talent would surely speak to your heart. Anne’s pumpkin is wonderful. The shading and light falls in the perfect place to give it so much plumpness and depth! The framing is fab!
    I can’t wait to see Sharon transform into Paulines lovely art. It’s perfect for all the reasons you mentioned. Purple, kitty, Halloween and witches (benevolent ones I’m sure). It’ll cast the perfect spell where ever she hands it.
    Your local framer must love when you arrive with treasure in hand. I love collecting things for the home with a story. So much nicer than loading a cart at TJ Max xoxoxo


  9. Pingback: I Keep Forgetting to Tell You… – Gardening Nirvana

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