Anniversary Bouquet

Bloomster's Bouquet

Bloomster’s Bouquet

We celebrated our wedding anniversary this past weekend at the historic De Anza Hotel in San Jose. My man of 18 years had these beautiful flowers waiting for me in our room. I think they’re exquisite and a nice metaphor for a long marriage: colorful, textured and varied.

We had the most amazing rain this weekend as well, a rare treat after a record-breaking, year-long drought.  I arrived back home to an invigorated garden, two orange peppers, and a still-producing assortment of cherry tomatoes.  After a weekend of over-indulgence, it was good to eat a small salad, fortified from our garden.

♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


The perfect tulip (actually all tulips are perfect)

red rose

The reddest rose I’ve ever seen.

green star like flower

Magical (I don’t know what they are, but they remind me of stars)

assorted flowers

A little of this and that

two red roses

More goodness


Enjoying our town:

20 thoughts on “Anniversary Bouquet

  1. Beautiful series of pictures! Happy Anniversary! sounds like a lovely celebration! I checked out the link. The history of the hotel is fascinating!! Did you see the 25 ft “diving lady”?


  2. Good Morning Hon, we are both early birds! Bravo to Mike to include a pretty take-away with your special evening. It’s so eclectic and it all works so perfectly together. Has a rambling yet sophisticated feel to it. I really love the Silver Lace. I’m always in awe how the floral designers come up with something new and original every single time. According to, the traditional 18th Anniversary gift is a Turquoise or Amethyst but the modern is Porcelain. I can’t wait, LOL 😉 Congratulations again to you both!


    • Good morning! I’m just off to make school lunches…glad I checked one more time and saw your comment.

      You are dead on with that description: rambling yet sophisticated. Love that.

      Silver Lace…thanks for telling me what that was. I knew you would know. It feels like Lamb’s Ear but has that lovely edge and soft grey-green color.

      Jim will have an easy time of your 18th then: porcelain, turquoise. Oh the wheels are spinning.

      Thanks for your well wishes. Have an awesome Boomdee day. xox


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