Blooming Thursday: Daphne Odora

Daphne Daphne DaphneNo one told me Daphnes were finicky.  Just as well since I planted two over a decade ago. On at least three occasions landscapers and nurseryman applauded my success. What gardener doesn’t beam with pride at that? I sure do.

Then one died.  Just like that. Did I mention they’re finicky?

I’m keeping my eye on the other one. The surviving Daphne is in bloom this week, the darling of the winter garden. Daphne Odora shines brightly with glossy leaves and deep pink to white flowers. The plant will remain in bloom through spring, when lots of other color joins in. Yippee!!!

Happy Birthday Benjamin Franklin

Ben Franklin introduced soy beans and Kale to the US in his time.  He wasn’t so much a gardener as a man interested in seed trade. His legacy includes inventing bifocals and the Franklin Stove, not to mention his role as one of the Founding Fathers of America.  Happy birthday, Mr. Franklin .  One of my favorite quotes:

 “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”

This is an area where I have lots of room to grow.  It’s also an interesting metaphor for the garden.  Ask any plant, and they’ll tell you the same thing: Keep in the sunlight.


7 thoughts on “Blooming Thursday: Daphne Odora

  1. They’re so tropical and I love the colour. When does spring arrive for you in your neck of the woods? I’m glad your orange tree survived the cold snap, it would have been a shame to lose all that fruit.

    Happy Birthday to Mr Franklin then, wow 206 years later and your words still carry weight and relevance…that alone is a great legacy. I admit, I’m guilty of being a worry wart and should try and adopt his words and practice that more often, I like that quote! Thanks for posting it Alys 🙂

    I’ve also known this quote “keep your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you”..I try and keep that in mind when things begin to weigh on my mind.


    • We can plant some things in early March, but waiting till the official first day of spring always seems like a better idea.

      Ben Franklin’s life was remarkable. He seemed to have his hand in everything, and in everything he did well. Writing, politics, inventions, lending libraries, seed exchanges. Simply amazing.

      I love the quote you’ve shared as well. They both speak to me.


  2. 🙂 you know it girlfriend…worrying makes me hungry and I DON’T need that LOL. I don’t know if it’s inherited, Kenny doesn’t seem to worry one bit. Last winter he quit his job and he & Adele went on a spur of the moment vacation…..I would never….they’re are crazy spontaneous. Me? safety girl. T’s crossed, i’s dotted…ho hum.


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